A Design Doc / Proposal for a Propaganda Mod (or a part of a larger overhaul) for your consideration

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A Design Doc / Proposal for a Propaganda Mod (or a part of a larger overhaul) for your consideration

Post by AyeBraine »

Good day.

I'm sorry to post in this section, but it seems that it is the one most frequented by Long War authors. First of all, I wanted to thank each of them again for their incredible work.

Second, I'm laid out a design document in which I've tried to introduce the concept of propaganda war, guerilla war realities, and spying into XCOM2 without requiring large amount of new assets (new level cells are optional, otherwise it's a ton of scripts, text, menus, values and possibly my VO for the Intelligence Officer).

This concept relies on gaining local Trust and raising global Propaganda Index, by exposing and broadcasting alien atrocities and countering ADVENT slander. It includes traitor/mole containment, high-profile assassinations, relief/aid efforts and developing local black markets and militia presence. It greatly expands the importance of Intel and allows VIPs to matter in the strategic layer.

In other words, the Revolution is no longer triggered by a 2-minute TV broadcast; it's built over the years.

I would be thankful if some of the LWS authors or fellow forum posters would take a look at it, and really happy to hear what all of you think.

Here's the link:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ybI ... sp=sharing

I'll copy the introduction here:

WIP Design Proposal for Propaganda Mod
(or for a part of a total XCOM2 overhaul)

Guerilla warfare was always about interaction with the people.

Guerillas, of course, cannot win by brute strength. They gain popular support from some and intimidate others. "The People" is ultimately who feeds them and shelters them, gives them recruits and tells lies on their behalf. Common people are their Intelligence Division, their Medical Corps, their Treasury and their enlistment office. Often, common people die for the Resistance... or die because of it.

Moreover, guerilla war on such a scale (similar to WWII operations in USSR) includes full-blown spy warfare, extensive propaganda campaigns, centralized and standardized training of new fighters, clandestine equipment production and so on and so forth. It is a huge undertaking.

XCOM tried to look like a bunch of grizzled Resistance members who fight for hearts and minds of the world - with their "shady pasts" and "scrappy beards". Now it has the opportunity to actually lead the real Resistance, win the trust of the fragmented Outskirts, become a "shadow government" of the world's illegal settlements, and finally sow confusion and dissent in the minds of ADVENT city dwellers.

You all felt that it looked "tacked on" when people just "started the revolution" everywhere at once, killing and dying for humanity – after a single TV broadcast. It was like the corny ending to Equilibrium, or an old communist cartoon for children. But life doesn't work like that. Real militias, real revolutionaries have to have a rifle in their hand and a song in their hearts, they have to forfeit their lives to the revolution long before the hour strikes.

And only you can build the foundation of this revolution.


This document offers a new variable (Propaganda Index), several new strategic mechanics that stem from it, and a large number of new mission types that do not require extensive additional scripting or a lot of new assets. These additions expand the underutilized "Intel" concept: Intel is now the lifeblood of the Resistance, and it is spent and gained constantly. This also adds a large number of new, exciting tactical scenarios. Lastly, it adds a large number of moral choices, greater immersion and emotional involvement for the player.


Thanks again!
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Re: A Design Doc / Proposal for a Propaganda Mod (or a part of a larger overhaul) for your consideration

Post by johnnylump »

Thanks for posting; it's a really interesting writeup.
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Re: A Design Doc / Proposal for a Propaganda Mod (or a part of a larger overhaul) for your consideration

Post by AyeBraine »

johnnylump wrote:Thanks for posting; it's a really interesting writeup.
Thank for your reply, it means a lot to me. I am not a coding or modding enthusiast, but trying to implement at least 5% of this may be a valuable learning experience in making games, which is starting to sound really enticing. I am right now struggling with comprehending all the UnrealScript concepts, and tracking down dependencies that affect Strategic Layer variables like Resources, Dark Events, Objectives and plot items.
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Re: A Design Doc / Proposal for a Propaganda Mod (or a part of a larger overhaul) for your consideration

Post by Hunter1000 »

Simple question: When it will be released?
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Re: A Design Doc / Proposal for a Propaganda Mod (or a part of a larger overhaul) for your consideration

Post by AyeBraine »

Hunter1000 wrote:When it will be released?
Simple answer: a long time from now!

It seems that I will have to delve into the most difficult parts of modding and coding in UnrealScript, and possibly wait for people to develop some automation tools, to really introduce even parts of the described mechanics. I will try to learn what I can about modding in the meantime, and maybe create some map plots and missions.
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Re: A Design Doc / Proposal for a Propaganda Mod (or a part of a larger overhaul) for your consideration

Post by Relenzo »

As someone who also likes theorycrafting, I've read your design document. I think this is a wonderful idea!

The flavor and realism (or just grit) that this adds is splendid. I think it has the potential to do what aggressive UFO attacks did for Enemy Unknown in Long War; make the global strategy more complicated than 'rush as many countries as you can, and then you have enough money to do whatever'. I was always wondering how LW could force players to defend their expansions in XCOM 2, when there isn't really any air game. You could involve the retaliation attacks, but it risks boiling down to 'you have to do more missions', which is tedious. This intel sub-game requires you to make investments to protect your territories.

I do have one constructive criticism for you. I don't like the Propaganda Index. I think having a global 'modifier' on TOP of the trust level for each region is too much complexity, and that it doesn't do anything for you. The trust level of each country should probably be the only thing you have to worry about. Things that affect XCOM's global reputation, like special broadcasts, can just give a bonus to the trust level of every region you're in; things that are affected by your overall trust can be affected by the total trust of all the regions you're in.

As for re-working 'Black Sites', some people have already complained that it's a bit strange to be unable to visit a Black Site, if you know where it is, without making contact with the local resistance. A simple solution might be allowing the player to spend some Intel to attack a black site not within the purview of their rebellion.

Anyway, I am a programmer, though I haven't done any XCOM 2 modding (yet). If you have a question about programming or a weird bug or something, or maybe if this gets off the ground and you start looking for multiple hands, go ahead and send me a message.
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