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AWC respec time

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:49 pm
by StigInge
Where can I change time of retraining in AWC in INI files?
The new AWC skills are amazing idea ( like most of things in Long War), but as it's my first playthrough i make a lots of mistake building my soldiers. Now I want to retrain quite a lot of them to full potential. But it takes so long. It will take me almost a year in game time to finish.

Re: AWC respec time

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:40 am
by NotSoLoneWolf
(Steam install path) > steamapps > workshop > content > 844674609

Now that you're in Long War 2's mod folder, go to Config then open XComGameData.ini with notepad, or preferably Notepad++ (its free and vastly superior, google it). Now scroll down a little from the top, or hit CTRL-F and search for "respec", and you should find this:

; This is multiplied per rank!
XComHeadquarters_DefaultRespecSoldierDays[1]=4; Normal
XComHeadquarters_DefaultRespecSoldierDays[2]=4; Classic
XComHeadquarters_DefaultRespecSoldierDays[3]=5; Impossible

Everything after a ; is a comment, and has no effect on the game. So what the comments are saying is that on Veteran, respecing a LCPL soldier would take 4x2 days. Actually, I'm not sure if Squaddie even counts as a rank for the purposes of determining AWC time, so it may be 4x1. But you get the point, you can adjust those numbers to your liking for each difficulty, then restart XCOM 2 and play! I'm not sure how this will effect your game if there's a guy respecing when you change this, though.