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How to make a mod-mod

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:01 am
by Highrollr

What is the correct procedure for making a mod-mod? I'd like to play around with changes to Long War 2. I found the classes I'd need to alter, but I'm not sure how to tell ModBuddy to use the Long War 2 files without actually including them in my own mod. For instance, if I made changes to the gunner class, I'd like to use the 99% of the class I'm not changing without putting all those files in my mod, but still be able to alter the 1%. Thanks!

Re: How to make a mod-mod

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:29 am
by NotSoLoneWolf
Well, I'm making a custom SPARK class that uses a missile launcher instead of a BIT. This is what me hijacking LW2's "add unlimited starting items" function looks like:


Basically, I went into LW2's config files and found where the UnlimitedItemsAdded class file got the items it was adding. I found:


So, the [LW_Overhaul.LWTemplateMods] line is the key. The first piece of text before the period (LW_Overhaul) designates what mod you are referencing. The second piece of text (LWTemplateMods) is the .uc file in that mod that you are referencing.

I know this isn't the answer to your question, but it seemed relevant and helpful.

Re: How to make a mod-mod

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:55 am
by ZephyrusMK
(prefix, havn't moded anything before other than to change existing data in an .ini file).

sooo... if I wanted to create a mod that modified the LW2's soldier templates to give them better aim... i'd do the following?

[LW_Overhaul.Soldier_Diff_0 X2CharacterTemplate]

also or alternatively (and forgive me if this already out their and I missed it), is their a way to just blanket say increase the default LW2 .ini values by +10 for example or in this case would it have to be a replacement value?

Re: How to make a mod-mod

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:59 am
by NotSoLoneWolf
ZephyrusMK wrote:(prefix, havn't moded anything before other than to change existing data in an .ini file).

sooo... if I wanted to create a mod that modified the LW2's soldier templates to give them better aim... i'd do the following?

[LW_Overhaul.Soldier_Diff_0 X2CharacterTemplate]

also or alternatively (and forgive me if this already out their and I missed it), is their a way to just blanket say increase the default LW2 .ini values by +10 for example or in this case would it have to be a replacement value?
You would do:

[LW_Overhaul.Soldier_Diff_0 X2CharacterTemplate]

well, replace the 65 with whatever the value actually is. I'm not sure what you mean by "blanket"... Not all the .ini values are numbers, some are true/false, some are text. So if Blanket means literally every value, then no. There is no way. Because you can't increase False by 10 :lol:

Re: How to make a mod-mod

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:47 pm
by ZephyrusMK
Thank you, good to know.

blanket being if I wanted to increase a solider ability like offense or dodge by +5 or +10 even if I didn't know what the original value was.

so if the value of a solidier stat in the LW2 mod of rookie easy difficaulty was ??, add +10 to it.

(I can go the substitution way but i'm not certain what some of the values are initially and would rather add 5/10/15 if able).