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Class Overriding - ApplyWeaponDamage

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 9:18 pm
by Eggman202
So I'm trying to rework how the repeater does it's thing, by changing it from a low chance / high damage to a high chance / armour piercing role. Changing the chance to proc was no problem, modified by XcomGameCore.ini, but try as I might I cannot override X2Effect_applyWeaponDamage.uc with even a redscreen message, let alone any data.

I know some data sets were / are heavily protected by the game, making it difficult if not impossible to mod them - so I ask whether this is one of them, or whether I just need to keep practising at modding.

Thanks in advance for answer, and thanks as well for all the modding guides / helps you folks have here. Solved a lot of my early problems with stuff not working.