Some Ideas

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Some Ideas

Post by zozj »

1) Resistance MEC

Can we have the abillity to transfer the MEC to another region? just like we did in EU: transfer our aviation assets.

the MEC is very helpful when comes to the rendezvou mission, the way I feel about the rendezvou mission , if you stationed a heavy hitter class (high damge output: ranger , shinobi ect )officer it get less difficult , otherwise like the specailist you have to play it longer than others ,especially when the enemy deploy the heaver faceless.

if we can have the transfer abillity , this can balance the weaker class or the low rank soilder stationed in heavens

We can rarely get a MEC only by luck through random loot on the map in early games, or we have to wait until we have the first MSGT Specialits, and we all know how long that can take!

So I think we can have a spcial type mission to get advant MEC ,and this type mission requires our Spcialist on board. and the mission reward is not guaranteed(RNG or fixed success rate just like the very rare loot ).

tranfer abillity and a new type mission can give our specailist and MEC more important strategic position in the campaign,not just some funny toy you can have! Aslo, I think the MEC have to be more invloved in Resistance related missions.

2)Blackmarket sell corpses or S&G mission's reward variety

Here how I ran my first 1.4 campaign(Legendry), I prefer spark unit,but I didn't enable the DLC mission. So I decide to rush the spark through research.

So when comes to the Advent Robotic research(3 needed),I found I only have 2 Drone wrecks: 1 is from the gatecrusher, 1 is from relay tower mission.along this line of research tree, I skip the laser and finished mag weapons. and due to the lack of supply I have to very slowly equiped my entire squad with mag weapon to take the first HQ mission(I played stealth style missions alot, and I don't have the luck to encounter a fully Infiltrated supply raid mission.all I get is swarm++.)

so I got stuck in the research, I think it make sense for black market have two way trade. or the Advent warehouse have some recovered wreck for recycling
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Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:02 pm

Re: Some Ideas

Post by Tuhalu »

Actually, in 1.3 and on, you only need a GSGT to get Override. Considering how long the final level takes, that's a fair difference.

I did find that I rarely got to play with my Resistance MECs though (in my 1.2 campaigns). The biggest pain was not having them available on the intel mini-retaliation. Intel retaliations would be so much less risky for your rebels if they had one (or more!) of those bad boys in there. The RMECs do turn up on supply mini-retaliations, so I'm not sure what the difference is supposed to be!
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