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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:59 pm
by tekronis
How do you get them?

I have a liberated Haven with quite a few rebels working on Recruiting, for months at a time, but I see next to no rookies coming in.

I think I just saw somewhere that the Recruiting is to recruit rebels in the Haven. What needs to be done to get rookies?


Re: Rookies

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:03 pm
by Devon_v
Havens priortize recruiting rebels over rookies. You may occasionally get a rookie, but don't count on it until the haven is up to the cap of 13 rebels. Once it's fully established they should start recruiting for you.

Re: Rookies

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:09 pm
by tekronis
Devon_v wrote:Havens priortize recruiting rebels over rookies. You may occasionally get a rookie, but don't count on it until the haven is up to the cap of 13 rebels. Once it's fully established they should start recruiting for you.
I think my first haven has gone over the cap (I have a few rebels stuck permanently in 'Hiding', they can't be switched to other tasks, looking like they are above the limit) - and recruiting is still on, and I still didn't see any more than like 1 rookie in like more than 2 months.

Re: Rookies

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:43 pm
by trihero
tekronis wrote:
Devon_v wrote:Havens priortize recruiting rebels over rookies. You may occasionally get a rookie, but don't count on it until the haven is up to the cap of 13 rebels. Once it's fully established they should start recruiting for you.
I think my first haven has gone over the cap (I have a few rebels stuck permanently in 'Hiding', they can't be switched to other tasks, looking like they are above the limit) - and recruiting is still on, and I still didn't see any more than like 1 rookie in like more than 2 months.
As far as I have tested, one rebel on the "recruit" job will produce 1 recruit every month, and it works linearly (so 4 rebels on recruits will get you 4 recruits in one month). Also recall that soldier adviser acts like 1 recruit job (or more, I can't tell for sure without having the code). If you are having a slow pace of recruitment then spend more jobs on recruiting, it doesn't come without someone working on it. I typically find 1 soldier adviser + 1 recruiter is enough to keep the population ticking upwards at a reasonable rate.

Re: Rookies

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:06 pm
by Gallion
trihero wrote:
tekronis wrote:
Devon_v wrote:Havens priortize recruiting rebels over rookies. You may occasionally get a rookie, but don't count on it until the haven is up to the cap of 13 rebels. Once it's fully established they should start recruiting for you.
I think my first haven has gone over the cap (I have a few rebels stuck permanently in 'Hiding', they can't be switched to other tasks, looking like they are above the limit) - and recruiting is still on, and I still didn't see any more than like 1 rookie in like more than 2 months.
As far as I have tested, one rebel on the "recruit" job will produce 1 recruit every month, and it works linearly (so 4 rebels on recruits will get you 4 recruits in one month). Also recall that soldier adviser acts like 1 recruit job (or more, I can't tell for sure without having the code). If you are having a slow pace of recruitment then spend more jobs on recruiting, it doesn't come without someone working on it. I typically find 1 soldier adviser + 1 recruiter is enough to keep the population ticking upwards at a reasonable rate.
Can faceless eat your rookie recruits like they do for resources?