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Evac Location on Jailbreak/etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:42 am
by Arcalane
Are there any plans to allow us to define our own evac sites for Jailbreak and similar Rescue mission types? For one, I'm tired of seeing them half way across the map, and for two I've now twice had them spawn clipped into the edge of the map, resulting in them changing position a few seconds later (sometimes to an even less advantageous position than before, which is a feat in and of itself).

Obviously this shouldn't change for the Escort type where your non-Phantom personnel start revealed (otherwise it ruins the whole point) but the rest feels at odds with the evac-focus on all other mission types.

Re: Evac Location on Jailbreak/etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:15 pm
by sarge945
Yeah it does feel a little weird that when attacking, say, a relay, you can choose your own spot, but when you jailbreak someone, suddenly Central decides that the random place he puts his finger on the map is where the evac site goes