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Main differences between difficulty levels?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:35 pm
by sambezi
I am wondering what are the main between difficulties in xcom LW 2.

I know rookies will get +5aim in rookie once patch rolls out. I also believe the timers are more lenient on rookie and veteran, besides those, it would be nice to get a comprehensive list of the most noticeable differences between difficulties!

Re: Main differences between difficulty levels?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:47 pm
by trihero
I don't have a full list but here is what I have noticed:

- rookie mode starts you with 350 in the bank, other difficulties only 175
- Base infiltration time goes up (rookie is 4 days, vet is 5 days, legend is 6 days)
- Base evac time (100% infiltration) goes up (rookie is 1 turn evac, legend is a choking 4 turns)
- home region starts at level 2 strength on legend, 1 on rookie
- rookies have +1 hp and enemies have less health on rookie mode, these you don't see on higher difficulties
- higher costs in the black market on higher difficulties

I'm sure there are many other details but it is super super noticeable to have base 6 days infiltration with 4 evac turn delays on legend. It means you throw away a lot of missions and going under 100% infiltration is essentially suicide with 6+ evac turns.

Re: Main differences between difficulty levels?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:01 am
by Crushing Doom
If I change the difficulty from rookie to legend after gatecrasher does rookie stat bonus only apply to the starting pool characters?

Re: Main differences between difficulty levels?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:09 am
by Arcalane
AWC Healing bonus is 100% on Rookie, 50% on all other difficulties.
Infiltration Boost bonus is 100% on Rookie, 75% on Veteran, 50% on higher difficulties.
Baseline time for 100% infil is 96hrs on Rookie, 120hrs on Veteran, 144hrs on higher difficulties.
Reinforcements are slower on Rookie and Veteran.
Reinforcement flares only appear on Rookie.
ADVENT constantly drops 8-man reinforcement pods after a certain point unless you are playing Rookie.
Mission timers are extended based on difficulty.

Re: Main differences between difficulty levels?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:35 am
by Ellie
Arcalane wrote:AWC Healing bonus is 100% on Rookie, 50% on all other difficulties.
Infiltration Boost bonus is 100% on Rookie, 75% on Veteran, 50% on higher difficulties.
Baseline time for 100% infil is 96hrs on Rookie, 120hrs on Veteran, 144hrs on higher difficulties.
Reinforcements are slower on Rookie and Veteran.
Reinforcement flares only appear on Rookie.
ADVENT constantly drops 8-man reinforcement pods after a certain point unless you are playing Rookie.
Mission timers are extended based on difficulty.
I believe the ayyliens don't have free actions if on yellow alert when activated when playing rookie as well.

Re: Main differences between difficulty levels?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:42 am
by Arcalane
Ellie wrote:
Arcalane wrote:AWC Healing bonus is 100% on Rookie, 50% on all other difficulties.
Infiltration Boost bonus is 100% on Rookie, 75% on Veteran, 50% on higher difficulties.
Baseline time for 100% infil is 96hrs on Rookie, 120hrs on Veteran, 144hrs on higher difficulties.
Reinforcements are slower on Rookie and Veteran.
Reinforcement flares only appear on Rookie.
ADVENT constantly drops 8-man reinforcement pods after a certain point unless you are playing Rookie.
Mission timers are extended based on difficulty.
I believe the ayyliens don't have free actions if on yellow alert when activated when playing rookie as well.
Well spotted - certainly looks like it. 0% on Rookie. 20% for an action on Veteran, or 33% on higher.

Re: Main differences between difficulty levels?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:00 am
by trihero
What's yellow alert o.O

Re: Main differences between difficulty levels?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:06 am
by Arcalane
trihero wrote:What's yellow alert o.O
Pods have three alert states - green, yellow, and red.

Green alert is patrolling around doing whatever, not really giving a shit.

Yellow alert is "what's that weird noise?!" or "dude that's a dead body, omgwtf!" -- basically looking around for something they heard. Usually explosions or gunfire.

Red alert is they're actively fighting you.