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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:33 am
by Shaenix
Recently, I noticed that in some missions, there are way too many reinforcements.
(I'm not talking about the Haven retaliation one. I think you are supposed to hold enemy reinforcements until you can evac in that mission.)

Those missions usually end up with 30-40 enemies in total with 4+ reinforcements.
Anyone is having the same issue?

Here is what I think:
1) The missions with too many reinforcements usually request you to hack something. Therefore I bring a Specialist, but my Specialists cannot provide enough firepower compare to other classes. In the end, my squad got overwhelmed.
2) I’m misunderstanding the base enemy strength and infiltration system: I assume that the base enemy strength is what you get when your infiltration gets 100%. But for the missions that I got swarmed, base enemy strength are around Light and infiltration are above 100.
3) The region Advent strength may play a role: I can’t remember exactly, but the last time I got overwhelmed, the Advent strength was around 6 or 7. I think the local Advent strength affects the base enemy strength. Could it also affect how many drops will you get?
4) The mission itself is a trap: similar idea of the supply eating spy in your Haven, there are intel spies trying to lead you into a snare. Maybe you need to assign a scientist in this case? (I might be paranoid, but it took my Haven Advisor 3 supply drops to figure out what’s going on and I ended up with something like 10,20,0,10 supplies.)
5) I’m using other Mods. According to a list somewhere I saw in the community, they are compatible. Here is my mod list: ... =850406048
6) Veteran is too hard for me.
7) It’s a glitch.

Screenshots showing reinforcementsssss:

2nd drop incoming. Some of the Advents are from the 1st drop. They were droped on the roof of the objective while I was still fighting another pod almost 2 screens away...

2nd reinforcement droped on top of my squad.

3rd reinforcement teleported behind my team.

Before evac. 4th drop incoming.

I was curious, so I left my shinobi...

And the result.

Screenshots from another mission. Also Light with 100+ infiltration.

In case you are still not sure what I'm talking due to my bad English.

Re: Reinforcementsssss

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:21 am
by Shaenix
Seems nobody is having the same issue?
Maybe it's jsut me falling behind and cannot keep up the pace anymore.

Just suffered a heavy loss.
I used jammer on turn X to delay reinforcement on turn X+1, but didn't notice there was also a reinforcement coming on turn X+1. In the end, 2 pods showed up on turn X+2 and got my ass kicked pretty bad...
2 drops reinforcing on the same turn is too much for me. Is this intentional?



Re: Reinforcementsssss

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:41 am
by mykelsss
According to johnnylump, this is a trap mission the aliens will occasionally throw at you, which occurs in regions of high ADVENT strength.

Personally, I think it'd be cool, along the line, to get Bradford's VA to voice lines to notify the player of this ("We shouldn't have gone so deep into enemy territory... they knew we were coming, you've got four shuttles headed toward the AO, Strike One! Break for the evac zone, now!") Sort of like how they got new lines voiced in Long War 1. Pavonis certainly has more sway with Firaxis now.

The argument can be made that the player should figure this out organically, but trapped missions came off as bugged even in Long War 1. It's fine once it's explained that you're not supposed to be able to do it and that it's a feature, but a lot of people are asking about this one and a notification of some sort would help it mesh in with the more "high octane action" spin of XCOM 2.

Re: Reinforcementsssss

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:34 am
by ScorpZero
http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 3EAFA494F/

Sorry, for this offtopic post but I pissed my pants when I saw the screenshot and at first glance I thought that the archon there is some weird-gigantic version which can be found later in the campaign and is capable of wipe out my entire 10 man squad in a single blow... lol. :O

Re: Reinforcementsssss

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:03 am
by Shaenix
mykelsss wrote:According to johnnylump, this is a trap mission the aliens will occasionally throw at you, which occurs in regions of high ADVENT strength.

Personally, I think it'd be cool, along the line, to get Bradford's VA to voice lines to notify the player of this ("We shouldn't have gone so deep into enemy territory... they knew we were coming, you've got four shuttles headed toward the AO, Strike One! Break for the evac zone, now!") Sort of like how they got new lines voiced in Long War 1. Pavonis certainly has more sway with Firaxis now.

The argument can be made that the player should figure this out organically, but trapped missions came off as bugged even in Long War 1. It's fine once it's explained that you're not supposed to be able to do it and that it's a feature, but a lot of people are asking about this one and a notification of some sort would help it mesh in with the more "high octane action" spin of XCOM 2.
Oh, johnnylump said that...
Guess I shouldn't have skim read the patch note anymore.

I totally agree that this is a cool feature. Unfortunately I and probably others are blinded by the idea of if something seems wrong, it must be bugged... What a shame.

Hope in the future when everything is fixed, players would more likely to think it's a trap. I think people would be amazed they could piece it together. At least I would.
Or like you said, give us more hint. I tried 10+% heroic infiltration on my very 1st campaign and you know the result... Then I remembered that I read "You are not supposed to do every mission" somewhere ages ago. A log describing but not spoiling all the new features would be nice.

Re: Reinforcementsssss

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:19 am
by Shaenix
ScorpZero wrote:http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... 3EAFA494F/

Sorry, for this offtopic post but I pissed my pants when I saw the screenshot and at first glance I thought that the archon there is some weird-gigantic version which can be found later in the campaign and is capable of wipe out my entire 10 man squad in a single blow... lol. :O
That Archon was doing his AOE attack, but the animation seems to be very glitchy.
I took the screenshot because I originally though that was funny, but then it became a part of my tragedy.

Here is another screenshot took in vanillia: This Archon still plays his flying animation even after shot dead.