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What does "Overall reinforcement speed modifier by diffiuclty" .ini tweak do?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:01 am
by UzielTD
As the tittle says, does anyone know what lines 986-989 in the XComLW_Overhaul.ini actually do? I ask because I've been testing it and I can't really figure it out. By default the lower difficulties have negative numbers, so I assumed this meant that negative numbers make the reinforcements take longer. To test it, I set to -0.50 on the difficulty I was playing at and found that reinforcements began to arrive 2-3 turns after the mission started even with concealment not yet broken. I don't know if this was an aberration or a mod issue caused by True Concealment for LW2 or LW2 Tactical Suppressors, but it scared the shit outta me so now I'm hoping for some clarification. If anyone knows what these lines are supposed to do or if I just experienced an issue with these others mods, I'd greatly appreciate some elucidation.