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Persistent games possible?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:12 am
by Thrair
So, in Long War 1, JL eventually capped UFO upgrades so the air game wouldn't become truly unwinnable if you were the type of person who likes to stall out campaigns. I really loved that little touch, because it almost never has an impact in normal play, but caters to people like me who sit on "finished" campaigns to enjoy end-game tactical play.

Is that an option in Long War 2? I know base game you could ride the doom counter for a LONG while, but iirc you would eventually have no facilities to raid to reset the clock. I'm interested to know if this is the case in LW2, or if every pip is associated with something you can smash.

I've also heard some of the Dark Events are permanent and stack, such as reinforcement response time.

Re: Persistent games possible?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:29 am
by Arcalane
As far as I can tell the Core Avatar Project "Fortress" itself still accumulates points, so you can still eventually run out of things to smash. It's also where any points gained from Avatar Project Dark Events go.

The only way to remove Avatar Progress from the Fortress at this time is to use a console command.