Possible to Disable Auto-Unequip on Injury/Training?

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Possible to Disable Auto-Unequip on Injury/Training?

Post by Mooncabbage »

Is it possible to disable the auto-unequip of limited equipment and upgraded weapons when a soldier is injured, or sent to AWC/Officer training? I ask because I have my soldiers organised into a handful of 6-8 man squads, all trained and equipped to complement each other. Thus, when they are out of action for a bit, it's a pain to try to remember what exactly they were using, before deploying them again. To some extent this can be mitigated with the upgraded weapons, since I can customise them and name them something unique to the person wielding them, but in general it's a pain in the butt. It's no fun having to go through each and every soldier before each mission to make sure they have the exact right stuff, I'd rather be blasting aliens.

PS. I am running a lot of other LW2 compatible mods, so it's POSSIBLE one of those has introduced this problem. If that's the case, please let me know.
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Re: Possible to Disable Auto-Unequip on Injury/Training?

Post by johnnylump »

That's working as designed. It's probably possible but we'd need some kind of menu item for the user to control that behavior ... absent a massive outcry for that kind of functionality I'm not sure it's something we'd get to.
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Re: Possible to Disable Auto-Unequip on Injury/Training?

Post by Mooncabbage »

I can see why it would be the default, but it does make the squad system somewhat more awkward. Regardless, thanks for the prompt response.
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Re: Possible to Disable Auto-Unequip on Injury/Training?

Post by Sines »

johnnylump wrote:That's working as designed. It's probably possible but we'd need some kind of menu item for the user to control that behavior ... absent a massive outcry for that kind of functionality I'm not sure it's something we'd get to.
Rather than remove auto-unequip, would it be possible to add a 'squad template' option, to automatically equip the squad with certain registered gear (including selected weapon mods)? Perhaps removing it from otherwise inactivate soldiers, if necessary? Doesn't seem like an easy thing to do, but I figured I'd float the idea out there.
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Re: Possible to Disable Auto-Unequip on Injury/Training?

Post by Zyxpsilon »

I'll throw in my "Massive OutCry" for this absolutely essential QoL system.

You have to realize we are now playing in a (much more) massive micro-management context with the splendid feature of multiple-Squads.
There's a solid need to maintain between 4-7 teams (Stealth specialized, Hackers, Full-Blown attacks, etc) with all the newest activities and Infiltration systems that produce simultaneous probabilities.

Ultimately, we all have to switch from/to the weapons & armors tiers and since, squad-upgrades are no longer a gameplay rule.. we MUST build/buy a gignormous amount of assets during our games. Optimal limit decisions and swapping around all of that battle hardware has to be done. So, when Officers & AWC trainees are stripped of their "LoadOut" items.. that pattern of thoughts is most likely lost in a brain storm we'd rather not suffer through.

Thus.. if you still could be bothered to create a similar function for "stripping" weapon/upgrades from INV arsenal for V1.2 -- i beg you to consider this OP suggestion seriously. Not sure about the technical code hurdles or if any complex History_style stack might be required... but without some form of resilient and steadily familiar armory, it is very easy to forget someone was fielded in sub-optimal gears. But more importantly, lose track of pages worth of Inventory.

BUT -- while you are there.. try implementing another aspect please; offer us a direct swap of weapon tiers & of their current WUP slots. Laser--TO--Magnetic--TO--Coils--TO--Plasma types that stick with their "per-soldier" (that's about 30+ instances at times!) values.. so to speak.

Only then will i be able to decide who gets that very first plasma Grenade -- for the Long run but not be empty-handed by accidental schools-out juggling.
:cry: :roll:
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Re: Possible to Disable Auto-Unequip on Injury/Training?

Post by Zyxpsilon »

Hold Off your re-coding horses, JL... i just got an Officer back from training and she *STILL* had her previous Weapon & loadout Items exactly as they were.

Thus -- there must be something else at work when the wacky switching process happens. I think it might have to do with any updates we apply under certain situations such as "Squad Management" or while upgrading to further tiers **IF** some training time is still pending. Possibly even when we try to give anything (that belongs to her but shows up into Inventory) to another active soldier while she is in training.

As a result of this discovery.. it simply means "Freezing" such temporary setups (by rendering any loadouts schema unavailable to others during whichever Off-Service times) in place should be enough to prevent the accidental swaps.
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Re: Possible to Disable Auto-Unequip on Injury/Training?

Post by nightwyrm »

I have observed certain equip/unequip behaviour.

If the soldier is in training, his stuff unequips and is available for others. If no one has taken the items when the soldier finishes, he re-equips them.

If a soldier is injured. His stuff DOES NOT automatically unequip. He still has his modified guns, secondaries and items unless I manually take them off him.
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