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Rebel turned into faceless in-between missions?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:40 pm
by Shaenix
I was going to post this in the bug report sub, but since I personally think this is quite interesting and may not be a bug, I decided to post it here.


What happened was I had an EVAC retaliation mission in one of my Haven first:
The mission started with 5 rebels. I found 2 of them were faceless during the mission, and saved 2 in the end. I couldn't find the last one. The civ indicating circle sometimes stops working for me. I'm not sure this was the reason or the last guy was just too far away.
So in the end that Haven should have 2 rebels.

Several days later, I had a rendezvous mission in the same Haven:
I had only the HA and one rebel available for that mission so I had to evac.

Back to base, I checked the Haven management and found that the rebel who was on the last mission was on intel job and the rebel who was absent was on recruit duty.


My questions are:
1)What are the consequences of failing a rendezvous mission? What happen to the spy?
2)My logic tells me the absent guy is a faceless, isn't he? If I put him to hiding, will he still able to eat supplies?
3)My understanding about spies is they contribute nothing to the job they are assigned and they sabotage your supply production within the Haven.
But I already killed 2 faceless previously and there is still at least one more (Brain starts executing haywire protocol...) who is trying to recruit more spies!? Will you get more faceless into your Haven if you let a spy on recruit duty? Similarly, will you get more snare missions if a spy is working on intel? What about those who working on supply?
4)What happened exactly to the rebel? He got ambushed by a faceless during recruitment? I think everyone has seen enough sci-fi movie to figure out exactlly what's happening. LOL.
5)I've greater faceless DE, but I think it only makes faceless stronger. Not making them undetectable, right?

Re: Rebel turned into faceless in-between missions?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:54 pm
by GavinRuneblade
1. The spy remains in the haven
2. Yes he is a spy and yes he will eat supplies even if hiding.
3. Correct
4. Every rebel has a 16% chhance to be a spy. They don't change after spawning.
5. I dunno. I think only stronger.

The part that confused you is that one faceless pretended to be loyal because that mission usually only has two faceless but you had at least three. It is possible your fourth dude is a spy too just FYI.

In 1.0 there was a bug where faceless that pretended to be loyal died at the end of a mission so havens were easy to clear out. 1.1 fixed that bug.