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Disable LW2 campaign, but keep everything else?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:31 pm
by brilyn
Hi there.

I really appreciate the work you guys did in the original Long War and the second. It's obvious that you guys have sunk a lot of time and effort into that, and it's really paid off.

That said, I've searched through the options and I'm unable to find a way to play the base XCom 2 game while the full Long War 2 mod is installed. While I love all your mods (perk trees, having a set AWC per class, extra classes), I really don't enjoy the modifications to the missions (the whole 'clown car' aspect of tons of aliens).

This is not to say that I think that this is 'bad', just not the way I would like to play the game.

Is there any way to toggle off the Long War 2 campaign when the integrated patch is installed? I'm going back to the individual mods right now, but it's unclear to me whether they will continue to be supported going forward. (I can find a number of people asking that question, but no answers other than "this question has been answered [somewhere very well hidden] on this forum already".

Re: Disable LW2 campaign, but keep everything else?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:55 pm
by Sines
On the Workshop, you can find lesser versions of many of the aspects of Long War in Pavonis Workshop (with names like the Long War Perk Pack). They're separate from the actual Long War mod, and you can add them individually. However, I don't think they're nearly as good as the final versions in the full patch. But it might help somewhat.

Re: Disable LW2 campaign, but keep everything else?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 9:26 pm
by brilyn
For sure, and that's my work around for now.

I definitely prefer their finalised versions in the integrated Long War 2 mod.