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Highest Shinobi Reaper kill streak

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:44 pm
by Maebalzurakin
I just took out 12 Advent troopers and mechs in 1 turn with 1 shinobi!

Prior to LW2 I think I might have killed 5 or 6 in a row if I got a good streak, but with the bonus damage from Fletch (sp), and a lot of bonus movement gear, I could zig-zag around to kill the trooper furthest away, and the bonus damage would compensate for the diminishing damage from reaper. This was also using only the tier 2 axe. I just upgraded to tier 3, so maybe with a little luck and good troop positioning I can go higher.

Lots of fun, but maybe a little unbalanced. Please don't change it! :lol:

Anyone else come close to or beat 12 kills?

Re: Highest Shinobi Reaper kill streak

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:00 am
by Zyxpsilon
Certainly.. i've got this wild "SharpShooter" Faced-Offs by focus perky tricks (and THE Pistol) that has often wiped a coincidental gathering of pre-damaged (by others) multi-pod. Can't remember the exact amount (+/- 15..) but i sure was too busy laughing my ass off.

The rational objective still is to correctly set that up though. More than just luck.

Re: Highest Shinobi Reaper kill streak

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 1:01 am
by Daergar
Might have to test a shinobi with Reaper, I favor Serial myself.

My two highest multi-kills is 12 burning aliens with duo-technical (bunker buster followed by firestorm) and one perfectly lined up 11 kill-combo with an assault's Street sweeper shot. Once you get whole squads at msgt, you can usually pull off some insane things, so I'm not sure I'd call Reaper overpowered. Most require several turns of planning and some luck to work out well (not having stragglers ruin the day).

Re: Highest Shinobi Reaper kill streak

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:13 am
by aimlessgun
My highest is also 12, but it's 11 Reaper 1 axe throw ;) And yeah the bonus damage is great, 3 pods active, 20 movement shinobi, by the end he's slicing dudes 40 tiles from his starting spot.

Also when I first got the t2 axe and it was a bit ahead of Advent's progression, I went into a Swarming supply raid and just ran around activating every pod with more reaper procs, then restarted the level hehe.