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Near end of game.. no SPARK mission (or spark).. what did I do wrong

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:59 pm
by Hathur
So I'm basically near the end of the game now, running on the most recent version of LW2... I have researched everything (have full power armor, plasma weapons, all shadow complex research done, all research done.. literally nothing left to research except to render corpses for material)... and I still haven't had the SPARK mission trigger (or the alien hunter mission either, though I did receive the alien hunter weapons).

Prior to the most recent LW2 patch the SPARK mission triggered in the 2nd or 3rd month.. but when I started a new game (and yes I ticked on the DLC options when I started new game) with the current version of LW2 I just can't seem to trigger the spark mission or alien hunters mission.. and I'm basically at end of game now.

Does anyone know why this happened, did I do something wrong?

Re: Near end of game.. no SPARK mission (or spark).. what did I do wrong

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:09 pm
by wadeanthony
Did you stop doing Intel package missions after a certain point? You need to do one to generate it's point of interest. If not then you could have been really unlucky.

Re: Near end of game.. no SPARK mission (or spark).. what did I do wrong

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:05 pm
by MasterFunk
I actually have had the opposite problem, I've received the Shen's gift mission 3 times.