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Faceless on Kill VIP mission?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:35 pm
by warlordmb
I just ran a kill the VIP as part of the liberation chain in a new zone.

There were 8 faceless on the map as well as well as andromedon and advent and turrets and all manner of nastiness.

With a six man squad of midlling equipped xcom i managed it in the end with only my Spark not being wounded and on the last turn got to the evac but only after using extend timer twice on my officer for intel i really couldnt afford. i now have an entire squad in sick bay for at least 18 days each.

Should there be that many faceless on the map? - this is on veteran level~?

Re: Faceless on Kill VIP mission?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:23 pm
by Sevireth
Oh yes, Lib Neutralize VIP is no joke, and can be especially rough early game. Consider gearing up a shinobi officer with oscar mike and a sniper with a stock on their rifle, to fire one shot and skedaddle, next time