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Troop Column Strength Variable

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 3:36 am
by AvengerXP

I want Troop Column missions to wipe a percentage of current alert rather than reduce the regional alert by 1 but the variable was not exposed to config parameters.

I think this is something that should be implemented in LW2 by default.

static function TroopManeuversComplete
RegionalAI.LocalAlertLevel = Max(RegionalAI.LocalAlertLevel - 1, 1);

I'd like to be able to modulate it better and make late game reductions bigger. I think a Troop Column should reduce the ADVENT Strength in a region by at least 25%. Even better if you can modulate it in function of the ADVENT Force level you fought.

I thought about modding it myself but i have no idea how to override a function inside a mod.