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Dark Event suggestions

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:25 pm
by darkerevent
The Problem:
Being able to spend 5 intel to find out that a "permanent alien upgrade" type of dark event is coming, but then having no precision-targeted recourse for following up on that, feels pretty crappy. Currently, my options are either "shrug and keep doing what I'm doing" or "desperately switch every un-liberated region to full Intel and hope I can catch the event," which just feels way too binary in a campaign where so much else is based on active decision-making and progressive efforts.

The Simple suggestion:
Please make it possible to spend additional intel in order to learn what region of the world a particular Dark Event is happening in. (I don't mind if I still have to run Intel at that haven in order to actually detect it.)

The More Complex (but Fun) Suggestion
If directly revealing the region in exchange for an intel cost feels too broken (as well as too easily save-scummed for people not doing Honestman/Ironman), then alternatively consider allowing the player to spend intel to instantly trigger a special "Kidnapping" mission, the objective of which is to get inside of one of ADVENT's lesser science facilities and capture a Dark VIP, who will then be forced to directly reveal the mission site at which the Dark Event can be thwarted. Due to the need for an interrogation, this mission will be a failure if the dark VIP is killed, thus disallowing "rookie suicide mission" Dark VIP strats from being used and encouraging the player to bring a real, mid-sized squad. I would also love if this process provided a method for countering dark events in regions where one does not yet have the haven unlocked, even if the process was made more expensive/difficult somehow.

In general, I feel that if Dark Events were a bit more strategically interactive rather than just being grand-scale "shots" that ADVENT is firing at you, they could be a lot more interesting and fun for the player to wrestle with. Making them precision-counterable like this would also allow some of their consequences to be more immediately threatening without making the game feel totally unfair.

Thank you for your time, and thank you Pavonis for this great and expansive mod.

Re: Dark Event suggestions

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:07 am
by Devon_v
I like the sound of that. It can be hard enough that you aren't just going to run around countering everything, but when you see that upgrade that you just do not want to deal with, you have a way to make it stop.