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No Man's Land Nightmares!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:28 pm
by pseudo21
Hi all,

I had a couple missions/maps in my recent play sessions that had very large areas with no cover, the one map was especially small and offered no options for flanking around or otherwise engaging the aliens at a reasonable distance. As we all know in Long war 2, running up to an engaged pod, especially early in the mission is just asking to get adds, so I was looking for tips or suggestions from others who run into this situation.

As an aside, on both maps, even after NOT running up I activated additional pods, so besides standing back and having a long range slug-fest I couldn't think of any other options. A sniper is a godsend in these situations, but bringing more than 2 snipers seems to be asking for trouble too.

I really dig the sharpshooter class and they are just amazing once trained up with a few pistol skills too! It would be great if we could add additional AWCs in the Avenger to allow training more than 2 (or 1 for the first half of the campaign) soldiers at once. I would love trying to kit out some of the other classes with pistol skills as well but struggle to even get my sharpshooters trained with them.

Re: No Man's Land Nightmares!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:37 pm
by Clibanarius
I've never encountered this, and I use a few map mods. Which mods do you use, because I can guarantee you that having no cover is a problem with a mod, not with LW2.

Re: No Man's Land Nightmares!

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:03 am
by Devon_v
Sounds like Even More Maps - Suffer! which is based around giving you very different, decidedly un-vanilla maps. Some of them are cover sparse, some terrain dense, some are based on EU maps. Personally I love it because it breaks up the monotony of the vanilla designs and prevents you from just disregarded the map.

Re: No Man's Land Nightmares!

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:00 am
by KevlinTallfellow
Devon_v wrote:Sounds like Even More Maps - Suffer!
Nothing quite like a slugfest between XCOM and ADVENT in a partially submerged flood plain where all the cover has been washed away!

On the other hand, it's situations like this that really make you appreciate having a SPARK to stand around shielding your shooters from enemy fire.