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Question: DR versus Armor, "Incoming!" and Muton grenades

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:41 am
by darkerevent
On Veteran, I'm having characters get hit for 4 damage from September (normal) Muton plasma grenades while the "Incoming" officer buff is allegedly active on them. (It happened during the enemy phase immediately after I used it).

Is this normal, or is the buff broken somehow?

Supposedly "Incoming" grants "4 DR" against explosives. I am guessing that DR is probably treated the same as Armor (in that armor pen is able to penetrate it, which would mean the plasma grenades are bypassing some of it), but some clarification would be welcome.

My partner who plays LW2 is also reporting ADVENT rockets hitting for full/near full damage (e.g. 7) through it, and I'm pretty sure those don't penetrate armor, so I'm not sure if the buff is doing anything or not.

Re: Question: DR versus Armor, "Incoming!" and Muton grenades

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:29 pm
by Tuhalu
I have seen Incoming! operate as expected (reducing damage by 4 to a minimum of 0) while watching Twitch streamers, so it doesn't seem to be faulty for everyone.

Damage Reduction works differently to Armor and is not affected by Armor Penetration.

Basically, you find the damage of the weapon, then reduce it by the full amount of damage reduction. After that you apply Armor as modified by armor penetration. After that you also apply shred effects to armor (this reduces the armor on the target, but does not reduce the effect of the armor for that attack). If at the end of this, damage would be less than 0, it is set to 0.

Damage range on the base Muton grenade is 4-7. Muton Centurion grenade is 5-6 and Muton Elite grenades are 6-7. Included in that damage is the ability to shred up to 2 points of armor. No Muton grenades can crit.

As a result, if Incoming! is correctly applied against a Muton grenade, the grenade should never do more 3 damage before armor reduction.

Re: Question: DR versus Armor, "Incoming!" and Muton grenades

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:45 pm
by Kharneth
I'm sure it is a stupid question but, are your damage soldiers in range of command of the officer?