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Troubles with Lost Towers mission

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:38 am
by TheKardo
Hello everybody!

First things first, I have to apologize in advance for my very poor english level, I'm italian so I might be mistaking from time to time... Please be patient :D

So, here's the problem. I got my DLC from Steam (alongside with the game itself and LW2 of course), and I started a campaign in LW2 1.2 (on rookie level, for what matters). I think now I'm about 5-ish months into the campaign, and I already got advanced mag weapons, Exo suits, predator armor, plasma grenades and stuff like that. The problem here is I still can't find Lost Towers mission.
I read a whole load of stuff on the internet (here in the forum and on reddit as well) about 1.1 pushing that mission pretty far ahead in the campaign, but I think I understood that in 1.2 that's been "pulled" earlier again, but I can't understand how that mission pops.
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong. I already have 1 liberated region, and in another I have the tower liberation stuff just waiting for me; I made contact with 7 (I think) regions in total and I already did some missions to counter the AVATAR project, but no Lost Towers mission showed up.
I also have 1 facility which I've been told by the game is related to the AVATAR project, so I assume that by assaulting it I'll be able to remove some ticks from the AVATAR counter... I've also another facility, located in NA or something like that, but if I click on that there's no reference to the AVATAR project.

Then, my questions are:
- How does the Lost Towers mission pops? Is there any cutscene or I just have to find an intel package that leads to it?
- How do I investigate on that mission? Is there any tip I can follow to find it?
- Is that mission linked to the previously mentioned facility with apparently no links to the AVATAR project?
- If there's no other way to make Lost Towers show, is there any consolle command to make it pop?

Sorry for the huge message, but I really want my sparks up and running ASAP.
Thanks in advance 8-)

Re: Troubles with Lost Towers mission

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:21 pm
by TheKardo
Anyone? Please help me out with this :cry:

Re: Troubles with Lost Towers mission

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:11 pm
by Fizzwick
Both DLC chains are POI missions. You'll need to do missions that have an Intel Package as a reward and then get lucky. They are in the pool of possible missions you can get from those packages. Shen's Gift DLC starts with a cutscene where Lily's ROVR goes a bit crazy and starts getting a signal from an unknown location. Scanning that location reveals the towers mission. Lily will insist on going along and will be a part of the squad you send. Hopefully that will help you spot the DLC when it pops up. Since it is kind of random under LW2, I think it is entirely possible to never see it during a run but I'm not certain. There may be a way to force it to start but I don't know how.

For reference, the Alien Hunter DLC starts with a mission to recover a downed XCOM Skyranger from the original invasion if you haven't seen that either.

Re: Troubles with Lost Towers mission

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:17 pm
by LordYanaek
TheKardo wrote:I can't understand how that mission pops.
As far as i know it "pops" after you complete a mission with an Intel Package reward just like any other PoI however the entire DLC stuff (both DLCs) is very buggy right now and i don't think anyone actually figured exactly why. There are numerous threads here discussing this which is probably why nobody bothered repeating it all. Short answer : you can get the missions several times or not at all and you can do nothing about it apart from forcing the mission via console commands (look in Long War 201). I'll start the next campaign with both missions disabled.

The facilities are all related to Avatar.

Re: Troubles with Lost Towers mission

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:59 pm
by Fizzwick
LordYanaek wrote:
TheKardo wrote:I can't understand how that mission pops.
As far as i know it "pops" after you complete a mission with an Intel Package reward just like any other PoI however the entire DLC stuff (both DLCs) is very buggy right now and i don't think anyone actually figured exactly why. There are numerous threads here discussing this which is probably why nobody bothered repeating it all. Short answer : you can get the missions several times or not at all and you can do nothing about it apart from forcing the mission via console commands (look in Long War 201). I'll start the next campaign with both missions disabled.

The facilities are all related to Avatar.
The extra DLC missions issue is supposed to be fixed in 1.3. Existing campaigns may still get them more than once but new 1.3 campaigns shouldn't see them but once each. So hold off your next run until 1.3 and you won't need to disable the DLC unless you just want to.

Re: Troubles with Lost Towers mission

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:15 am
by TheKardo
Thank you guys for trying to help me :D

So, now I understood I have to take on mission with an intel package as a reward, but I still have a question about it: does the cutscene show before I get the intel package or only after?
Moreover, is there any way to disable the mission "on the go" (meaning: without having to restart my campaign)?
Finally, I think the consolle command is something like this (if anyone needs it):
LWForceMission LostTower, you have to add the region after that code.
I think I'm gonna use consolle to enable that mission, because I don't want to wait anymore, but it's kinda sad...
Anyway, if you could still answer those two questions, I would be very grateful :D

Re: Troubles with Lost Towers mission

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:21 am
by LordYanaek
Fizzwick wrote: The extra DLC missions issue is supposed to be fixed in 1.3. Existing campaigns may still get them more than once but new 1.3 campaigns shouldn't see them but once each. So hold off your next run until 1.3 and you won't need to disable the DLC unless you just want to.
Yes but when is it going to be released?

aaaaarghhhhhh (rookie death scream) ;)

I don't plan to disable the DLCs, just uncheck the missions at the campaign start so i get the weapons, can build sparks, rulers will show but not the PoI missions.
TheKardo wrote:does the cutscene show before I get the intel package or only after?
After. You get the cutscene when you go back to the Bridge Firebrand returns to the Avenger with the Intel Package.
Moreover, is there any way to disable the mission "on the go" (meaning: without having to restart my campaign)?
Not any that i know and if there is, it will involve the console so your best option is probably just to force it.

Final advice, if The Nest shows twice ignore the second one as some players reported it's impossible to complete the duplicate mission (Viper King doesn't spawn)

Re: Troubles with Lost Towers mission

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:54 am
by TheKardo
Thanks mate!
I just tried to force the mission, and right after I gave the command, a mission popped. I did it but still no lost towers mission... I really don't know What I am doing wrong.
PS: I don't have alien hunters DLC, by the way

Re: Troubles with Lost Towers mission

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:03 am
by TheKardo
I think I found a workaround, at least until 1.3 comes out.
It's pretty simple, I exploited a mod which is in steam workshop...
There's this AWESOME code to use:
SpawnPOI true 1 POI_LostTowers
It spawns the spot where you have to scan to get the mission, and you still get cutscenes!
If you think this might be useful for other users, feel free to copy it anywhere, maybe in that post from LW 201 (because the code here isn't working properly).
Have fun!