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Overwatch with Heavy Weapon/2nd weapon

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:57 pm
by Jackal
I would love to be able to start an ambush with my sniper picking off the main bad guy and then my rocket and grenade guys firing their big guns during the overwatch ...

or hiding a ranger around a corner and having his sawe-off selected for overwatch instead of his rifle..

i'm guessing this is just a dream wish though

Re: Overwatch with Heavy Weapon/2nd weapon

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:30 pm
by JulianSkies
There is a mod called... True Ambush, I believe? It lets you set up exactly which actions and where you're going to use.
Sadly it conflicts a little bit with LW2's adjusted tactical HUD so you need to disable the HUD for it to work (there's an option in the in-game config menu for that)

Re: Overwatch with Heavy Weapon/2nd weapon

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:39 am
by Jackal
daaaaaaaaaaaaang, that would be awesome

Re: Overwatch with Heavy Weapon/2nd weapon

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:34 am
by cryptc
There's also "Overwatch Ignores Concealment" which reverts overwatch to the original way it was in XCom2, so that you can have your entire squad fire from overwatch during concealment, then get your turn after the scamper. It does make the game a lot easier though, so might need to turn up the difficulty a bit.

Re: Overwatch with Heavy Weapon/2nd weapon

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:45 pm
by Jackal
cryptc wrote:There's also "Overwatch Ignores Concealment" which reverts overwatch to the original way it was in XCom2, so that you can have your entire squad fire from overwatch during concealment, then get your turn after the scamper. It does make the game a lot easier though, so might need to turn up the difficulty a bit.

which is how it would be in real life, right? I mean, an ambush would happen all at once... not one guy firing and letting the enemy start running for cover...

Re: Overwatch with Heavy Weapon/2nd weapon

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:56 pm
by KevlinTallfellow
You might also try this mod for tactical suppressors: ... =844955101

If you are still concealed, it lets you choose a specific target for your overwatch. For example, maybe you *really* want that ADVENT officer to die, so you tell three of your shooters to target the officer, and when you activate the pod and your squad comes out of concealment, those three shooters will take overwatch shots only at the officer, even if the officer isn't the first to normally trigger an overwatch.

The mod also lets you use suppressed weapons to kill targets from concealment, without breaking concealment, if the situation allows it.

Re: Overwatch with Heavy Weapon/2nd weapon

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:42 am
by Jackal
KevlinTallfellow wrote:You might also try this mod for tactical suppressors: ... =844955101

If you are still concealed, it lets you choose a specific target for your overwatch. For example, maybe you *really* want that ADVENT officer to die, so you tell three of your shooters to target the officer, and when you activate the pod and your squad comes out of concealment, those three shooters will take overwatch shots only at the officer, even if the officer isn't the first to normally trigger an overwatch.

The mod also lets you use suppressed weapons to kill targets from concealment, without breaking concealment, if the situation allows it.


I think i already have this one... sometimes, i'll have three guys with silencers target three enemies and it's a sweet vision of death, and we remain in concealment