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Newbie Question

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 5:07 pm
by dwhansen777
New to long war 2...first campaign on normal/no ironman...V1.2.

My limited understanding is that after 7 days of not taking on any missions in a region, the advent strength in that region will decay by one. At least I thought I read something like this.

May 10th the AS=3 in West on May 22nd the strength is still 3, but I have not run any active missions and I have not tried any infiltrations for 11 days.

Why have I not seen any decay? Am I missing something regarding this game mechanic?

Overview of Campaign:
W. Africa=3...S=5...I=3...R=0...H=0...on May 10th reduced my I=8 to the current I=3...trying to reduce my "presence" in the region???
E. Africa=2
S.Africa=2...currently in the middle of destroy the Advent HQ mission.
New India=1
Global Advent Strength=25
Global Resistance Treat:Elevated

Thanks for any insights...still in the process of learning LW2.

Re: Newbie Question

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 5:47 pm
by Jadiel
You're confusing Vigilance (a hidden stat that the game never directly shows you) with Strength (or alert - they're the same thing) which you can see for each region.

Vigilance is affected by doing successful missions, and decays by 1 if there is no activity in a region for a week.

The AI uses vigilance (and other factors) to decide where it should deploy reinforcements, which come every 8-14 days, depending on difficulty. It can also use Supply Trains to move strength from one region to an adjacent one.

So the region you're trying to cool off my still have a higher vigilance than anywhere else, so the ai might think it's still the most important region to defend. Or there might be another factor which is making the ai move strength there, such as a facility in that region, or perhaps you've made a lot of progress towards liberation. Reinforcements additionally appear in a random region adjacent to wherever the ai was trying to reinforce, so that region may have been picked at random even if vigilance isn't particularly high there.

Re: Newbie Question

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 6:20 pm
by dwhansen777

So...I can only know the total global vigilance level via the resistance management screen...but not the individual regional vigilance level.

BTW...I have one "pip" for W. Africa. Is the RVL directly effected by the number of "pips" of liberation progress I've made in a region?

Re: Newbie Question

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 10:03 pm
by DaviBones
No not directly -- However, any mission done in a region raises the vigilance in that region by 1. Advent will only move strength out of a region if one of the bordering regions has high vigilance. If you want to decrease strength in a region, there are three ways:
  • Do "Ambush Troop Column" missions, which destroys 1 strength in that region.
  • Spam missions in a neighboring region, hopefully convincing ADVENT to move the strength there.
  • Liberating a region destroys 4 strength, and distributes the rest to neighboring regions.
I highly recommend taking a look at deaconivory's guide which will really help explain the strategy layer.

Re: Newbie Question

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 3:23 pm
by dwhansen777
TXS-info helpful.