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where are the codex?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:06 pm
by pipelad
OMG so i just lost a campain, i kinda kept the avatar project at bay for as long as i could, constructed the shadow chamber, infiltrated a mission to stop the building of a new facility and parallel did all the codex encryption so i could skull jack the codex, find the portal site and kill an avatar, and in this maner drop a lot of points from the avatar project, started all of this with 3 avatar project points to spare, just a day after, got 1 point normal advancement and damn advent completed a major breakthrough, the doom clock was started once before and managed to stop it with 15 days left, so i had "plenty" of time, so i compleated all the research needed to skulljack the codex, and "waited" to launch the train raid till they were compleated, this left me with about 10 days on the clock, did the mission in a strength 6 region, with moderate activity, hoping to get my codex skulljack and as such stop the avatar project. But no codex to be found anywhere. tryed to find codex in other mission i had with a skulljack available but again none to be found. so the clock went down to 0 and lost that campaing. Have any of you guys encountered the lack of codex to skulljack even after compleating the research? in 1.2 and 1.1 after i skulljacked the officer i kept on finding codex on every mission, on this 1.4 campaing i only found a couple on a liberation HQ before the shadow chamber was finished but did not see any other one. :?

Re: where are the codex?

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:01 am
by Tuhalu
It's a known issue with certain aliens that they turn up less reliably than they could do. Pavonis are addressing it in 1.5 with this change:
- Troop Maneuvers after midgame will often have a pod that includes certain FL-appropriate aliens that show up rarely to ensure those corpses are available more often (Gatekeeper, Andromedon, Archon and Codex)
It sounds like they aren't assured even then, but at least there will be more. So you may still lose if you leave it until very late, but it's a little less likely.

Re: where are the codex?

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:54 pm
by pipelad
K thanks tuhalu, will keep it present in this new campaign i just started. i was just "careless" as codex seemed to appear just guaranteed after i did the officer skullmining in previous campaigns