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Missions in about to be liberated region

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:29 pm
by Anonymous918
What happens to missions in a region when I am able to liberate that region? I have a dark event that can be countered but I'm worried it will go away if I liberate the region.

Re: Missions in about to be liberated region

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:33 pm
by nmkaplan
Once you come back from the Advent HQ mission, you will have the chance to immediately either run or abort each of the missions that you're currently infiltrating in the region.

All infiltrating missions get a big boost to infiltration % (I forget the exact number).

You *should* be able to do an intel boost on top of the liberation boost, but currently there is a bug that will cause the game to only take the larger of the two boosts, rather than stacking them. It will be fixed in 1.5.

Re: Missions in about to be liberated region

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:01 pm
by WanWhiteWolf
You get the 50% intel boost on all of them (or something in that range) but it only applies to the current progress.

So if you have a 8 day mission on 100% and 4 day infiltrated, you will get the chance to run the mission as 6 day infiltrated (75% infiltrated) or abort it. That's obviously less than ideal.

So when you finish the HQ make sure all the missions in that area are above 67% infiltrated or be prepared to run them at a lower infiltration.

If on the other hand you are close to 100% infiltration, you will get a nice free boost.

The option to boost it with intel pops up but it doesn't work (it will just eat your intel with no benefit) so don't bother boosting them.

Re: Missions in about to be liberated region

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:38 pm
by DerAva
As I understood it it's a flat +50% increase, not a 50% multiplier, so if you infiltrated to 55% completing the liberation would set it to 105%.

Re: Missions in about to be liberated region

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:12 pm
by Dwarfling
Also the strenght goes down to 1.

Re: Missions in about to be liberated region

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:35 pm
by LordYanaek
I also think (but i'm not sure at all) that it stops reinforcements for missions in that region. it would make sense (where would those RNFs come from) and in the few missions i played in just liberated regions i don't think i've seen the RNF counter.

I may be wrong, it's purely personal observation with no knowledge of the code on that point.

Re: Missions in about to be liberated region

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 2:41 pm
by Antifringe
I know for certain that Dark Events pending in liberated zones simply vanish with no ill effect. I assume that other pending events get similarly canceled, with no benefits to the aliens and no bonus to the player, as if they just never happened. That would be the common sense thing, but code is code.