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Covering Fire not proccing

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:06 pm
by Phrozehn
Has anyone else noticed that Covering fire doesn't proc reliably? it's happened befor ebut I just chalked it up to quirks of LoS and it was sporadic so I didn't care enough. But I just had a viper behind heavy cover fire with my Sentinal/Covering Fire specialist not taking a shot. Anyone else noticing similar issues?I'd noticed they often don't take their second OW sentinel shot, but thought it might have just been form shadowstep aliens... but now I'm not so sure.

Re: Covering Fire not proccing

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:24 pm
by Dwarfling
Not really. Could have been a Sidewinder (flanky snake), those come with Shadowstep so they don't trigger reaction fire.

Re: Covering Fire not proccing

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:52 pm
by Phrozehn
Dwarfling wrote:Not really. Could have been a Sidewinder (flanky snake), those come with Shadowstep so they don't trigger reaction fire.
Unfortunately no. My firs tthought was "Maybe Vnormal vipers get Shadowstep at Mk2? I used F1 and no such perk on it :(" It was really wierd, and lead to what would have been no chance to nomral hit into a 10% KO on my SS :( I noticed in some of Xwynne's videos it happened a handful of times with his OW specialist, too.

Re: Covering Fire not proccing

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:04 am
by Antifringe
I've had the same problem. It seems to be more common when an alien moves into position, but not quite close enough to proc overwatch, and then fires. Logically, if they can fire at your soldier, the soldier should be able to Covering Fire back, but it doesn't always happen.