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Solution for Combatives issue

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:53 pm
by Phrozehn
So I've been thinking about the new combatives change. It seems the consensus is that a 10% chance to lose your shinobi to an unlucky mutton slice is just too much RNG and for many may invalidate it. Personally I don't necessarily think it kills the perk. I'll still use it. However, I do think there's a better solution.

My idea is to reduce the chances of successfully counterattacking so it is no longer the uber antimuton ability it currently is like 1.5 currently does (maybe even to 80%!) but also to either GUARAUNTEE a graze on that (or all) melee attacks or reduce melee damage by a static amount like with Iron Skin for mechs.

The graze option is my preference as it's more elegant, being more thematic and also scales better through the game, rather than being very strong early but falling off as attacks grow stronger. It also makes the perk more effective on high dodge characters, meaning that a tank shinobi could almost get back to the original perk levels of power, but it takes effort and a specific build to achieve, while a shooty-spec gunner or shinobi won't. This is my favorite part of my idea. It also synergizes with evasive for a powerful combo, assuming you keep evasive up, or choose it at all in the first place.

The obvious point here is to keep combative relevant and strong without it being too exploity as it stands. So the result is we have a fairly reliable counter to melee units, but it isn't absolute. We can be punished, but not in an instagib way that Will totally dissuade some people from taking it. Besides, it makes sense that a melee combatant will be more adept at avoiding and minimizing incoming damage.

Would love to hear your thoughts!

Re: Solution for Combatives issue

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:09 pm
by merkmerk
The idea of using some kind of counterattack gimmick to tank as part of your strategy needs to go

So you could make it an activated ability with a CD or just change it completely to provide other benefits

That said it sure is fun to have that perk which is otherwise pretty useless let you fuck up a muton.

And by that I mean it's really, really fun.

Re: Solution for Combatives issue

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:44 pm
by Phrozehn
My intention is just to suggest a way to facilitate what Pavonis is trying to do with the 1.5 change to Combatives that won't be a 10% chance to lose a shinobi or gunner :P i like graze portion's synergy with tank spec shinobi a lot.

Re: Solution for Combatives issue

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:18 pm
by RookieAutopsy
merkmerk wrote:So you could make it an activated ability with a CD or just change it completely to provide other benefits.
Of all the suggestions I like this the most. +10 dodge is static and a free action with cooldown to go en garde to give you 100% chance to parry every melee attack for 1 turn, reducing with every successive attack.