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More missions after 120+

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:33 pm
by imn01
In LW2 after completing 120-130+ missions some type of missions(like resistance rescue, guerilla ops etc) stop spawning. I only get liberation mission, data leak and retaliation, s&g mission after that point.

Is there a way to mod LW2 to keep generating mission in late game? Some ini tweak maybe?

Thanks in advance.

Re: More missions after 120+

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:52 pm
by faket15
This behaviour doesn't have anything to do with number of missions played. It happens because regional vigilance is too high to spawn anything that has a vigilance cap. If you want to generate things that have a vigilance cap, like Jailbreaks, you need to be constantly contacting new regions while your old regions build up vigilance from the missions you play there.

There are some tricks to make vigilance contol in new regions significantly easier:
  • Never play "Get ADVENT's attention" missions unless you really know what you are doing. The large vigilance spike will significantly reduce the number of good GOps you can generate in the region's lifetime.
  • Liberation and Supply Raids generate a lot of vigilance in adjacent regions. Try to contact new regions that are far away from your liberated regions or from regions where you played a lot of Supply Raids.
  • Vigilance decays with time but the countdown restarts after every update. Leaving enough time for vigilance decay between missions isn't that hard and is often a good idea.
  • Vigilance doesn't decay with time in uncontacted regions. This means that, when you contact a new region, you may want to put your rebels on recruit for some time to increase the Haven's output and burn off vigilance instead of going straight to Intel to detect missions.

Re: More missions after 120+

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:58 pm
by johnnylump
The config file XComLW_Activities.ini has the various settings that control which alien strategic activities occur at various vigilance and alert levels (alert = Advent strength). The alien activities are what spawn missions.

Re: More missions after 120+

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 12:02 pm
by imn01
faket15 wrote:This behaviour doesn't have anything to do with number of missions played. It happens because regional vigilance is too high to spawn anything......
Thanks for the explanation.
johnnylump wrote:The config file XComLW_Activities.ini has the various settings that control which alien strategic activities occur at various vigilance and alert levels (alert = Advent strength). The alien activities are what spawn missions.
In XComLW_Activities.ini I can see MaxVigilance=XX cap. So if I set it to a large value such as 1000, will it help to spawn mission in late game?

Re: More missions after 120+

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:55 pm
by johnnylump
Yes, that's correct. MaxAlert is a cap on the number of advent legions (Strength); higher than that and the activity won't fire.

Re: More missions after 120+

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:24 pm
by imn01
johnnylump wrote:Yes, that's correct. MaxAlert is a cap on the number of advent legions (Strength); higher than that and the activity won't fire.
Surper thanks for the confermation. :)