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AI Target order - dodge chance considered?

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:46 am
by Gratchoof

Just wondering what the AI targeting priority is.

Basically, due to NCE tweaking defense values, it mostly seems that the one low defense soldier get constantly shot at, due to the AI mostly having best hit chance vs that soldier, as is understandable.

So, I've tweaked the NCE variable to give a min and max defensive stat change of 0, i.e. every new soldier has 0 defense. Great.

But what about dodge? This is my main question.

If i have two perfectly equal soldiers, APART from soldier A having 10 dodge, and soldier B -10 dodge, and they are in equal cover, with an enemy equi-distant from them, will the enemy:

1) always shoot at soldier B (-10 dodge)
2) mostly shoot at soldier B (random choice, but WITH dodge impacting the probabilities)
3) randomly shoot at a soldier (random choice, but WITHOUT dodge impacting the probabilities)

Thanks for any answer!

Re: AI Target order - dodge chance considered?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:27 pm
by faket15
The third option is correct. Enemies don't take dodge into account when firing.

Note: the AI will only prioritize a low defense target over your other soldiers if the defense is low enough to bring the hit chance above the 40% or 60% thresholds. If, for instance, the AI sees a 10% shot and a 30% shot it will actually treat both the same way.