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Mini retalations ok to ignore sometimes?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:38 am
by trihero
The situation

- you're low on experienced troops to fight the mini retal
- you loathe intel mini retals because sometimes the enemy starts right on top of your recruits, or otherwise worry that you might get wounded/lose rebels/troops
- you're not actually liberating or care that much about what's going on in the region being retaliated against, so you can afford to wait for the debuff to wear off

Is it ok to ignore the mini retal? I believe from play experience that what they do is block a job type for maybe a month. Are there any other penalties? I'm thinking for the above reasons it might be ok to ignore it, sometimes.

Re: Mini retalations ok to ignore sometimes?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:59 am
by xwynns
All your rebels on that job will die automatically and so will the soldier liaison (but not the eng/sci one currently)

Re: Mini retalations ok to ignore sometimes?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:58 pm
by LordYanaek
xwynns wrote:All your rebels on that job will die automatically and so will the soldier liaison (but not the eng/sci one currently)
Are you sure about this? I had to ignore one of those due to all my squads being in infiltration, with the big squad usually doing such non-infiltration missions locked on infiltrating the Advent HQ for my starting haven. When i had a look at that haven after the Intel Raid finished i had 4 rebels on hiding, which as far as i recall was the number of rebels i had on intel prior to the mission.

It's possible i lost a soldier, but i'm not sure there was even an advisor in that region. That haven was not very well developed.

Now, maybe i just had some recruits join that i didn't notice and they were the guy on hiding. Not sure, i was pretty centered on liberating my first region back then.

Re: Mini retalations ok to ignore sometimes?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:41 am
by xwynns
I'm not actually sure no, but that was the intent (I think), or at least it was once the intent. lol