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Arc Thrower stun makes alien rulers a joke

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:42 pm
by Felson7
With a combo of arc thrower stun + stasis from a psi-op, I was able to take down berserker king on the first encounter without taking any damage, with a team that didn't have very high damage output (half of them were carrying laser smgs.)

Also, unrelated note: R.A.G.E. suit on a ranger is awesome. Punch charge followed up by sawed-off shotgun blast. So satisfying. :D

Re: Arc Thrower stun makes alien rulers a joke

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:39 pm
by trihero
Well, I will say that you don't always know ahead of time if an alien ruler will show up so good for you if you always have an assault on your team.

Re: Arc Thrower stun makes alien rulers a joke

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:25 pm
by Felson7
I like them so I usually have at least one on most missions.

Re: Arc Thrower stun makes alien rulers a joke

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:05 am
by trihero
Assaults have really gone out of style for me after my most recent playthrough. Pulling extra mobs feels so bad. I do use one assault consistently on network tower offenses because of the huge damage output from close encounters. I mean they're quite excellent, easily one of the best, if you KNOW there aren't any mobs you will pull afterwards, but that situation is rare.

Re: Arc Thrower stun makes alien rulers a joke

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:18 am
by Valaska
Yeah I tend to have an assault on my back-up squad but not primary. They are really awesome if close encounters kicks in, but if not they could better be replaced by a shinobi or ranger. The Arc Thrower is GREAT but yeah giving up a lot of damage.

Re: Arc Thrower stun makes alien rulers a joke

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:03 am
by LordYanaek
Assaults can be built as great support units now. Electroshock means every Arc Thrower shot will apply a debuff. It's also the perfect answer to heavy gunners area suppression, you might have 10% chance to stun them, but as soon as you disorient them they loose their suppression. I don't have that many of them and i often regret not having one in any squad doing serious fighting.

Re: Arc Thrower stun makes alien rulers a joke

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:31 pm
by trihero
I dunno, support grenadier sounds better than support assault O.O

Re: Arc Thrower stun makes alien rulers a joke

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:50 pm
by Felson7
You don't necessarily need to spec them as support to take advantage of the stun from arc thrower. I like rapid fire, run and gun, critical hit specialized assaults with armor piercing ammo so they can run up and potentially blast high hp enemies for 18+ damage twice. Then they're invincible to the next shot from untouchable and if you position them right, you can use them as a human mimic beacon. I have a run and gun assault now that got the evasive ability from the AWC so she's also got 100 dodge for when she does have to take a hit. Then if you have something scary like a berserker, archon or alien ruler come along, you can stun it and deal with it at your leisure.

I agree, I'm starting to like support grenadiers at high levels better than sapper grenadiers; 50% to stun on flashbangs is too nice to pass up. It kind of depends on the mission though.