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Math Question for you Smart Guys

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:59 pm
by Kelvorn
I am looking for a formula that I can use to calculate the %of infiltration. Sometimes I know I will not be able to get to 200% and I know I will need that Intel Boost (+75%) so if I had a formula then I could maybe add extra guys and get my infultration to 125% instead of maybe only 165% so that way I get my most bang for my buck (the +75%).

I would want to base it on hours. So 24 hours per day. If The Infiltration was 4 days (Keeping it super easy) then that is 96 hours. So if I got 96h/96h that would give me a solid 100%. If I was going to use the Intel Boost I would want to drop it down to 72h and that would give me 125%. Then I use the boost for a solid 200%. Easy with those numbers but is there anyone out there that could provide a formula for me to be able to use for when its not such simple numbers?

Thank you in advance and sorry if my explanation is hard to follow. I would love to say English was my second language but unfortunately its not lol

Re: Math Question for you Smart Guys

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:45 am
by Skyfire
I'm pretty sure the +75% for the Intel Boost is multiplied, not added - that is, if you have 10% infiltration progress and use the boost, you'll get 10% x 1.75 = 17.5%, not 10% + 75% = 85%. So your target for 200% after the boost should be 115% (115 x 1.75 = 201.25), not 125% (125 x 1.75 = 218.75, so almost 20% wasted).

Formula is easy: for 200% with the boost your squad's infiltration time needs to be less than 0.875 x mission-time-remaining.

To work out what your final (boosted) infiltration will be with any arbitrary squad infiltration time, the formula is 1.75 x mission-time-remaining / squad-infiltration-time.

Re: Math Question for you Smart Guys

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:31 am
by trihero
Ok, the 75% is not quite what you think it is, it doesn't go from 125% to 200%. The 75% is really a multiplier, so you take whatever infiltration you have and multiply it by 1.75.

In other words, if you wanted to get to 200% by boosting, then your current (or projected) infiltration has to be

200/1.75 = 115% or greater. So you don't need to be at 125% to get to 200% with a boost, only 115%.

You want a formula for hours,

1) record the number of hours left on the mission (the mission duration, convert the days to hours, etc)
2) pick a squad setup, record the number of hours it takes your squad setup (convert the days to hours, etc)
3) take the result from part 1) and divide this by the result from part 2) <-- this is the infiltration you can get to without boosting
4) take the result from part 3) and multiply it by 1.75 (the boosting multiplier), and then by 100 to get a percentage.

Your final result tells you exactly how high of an infiltration you can get with your current squad setup, with a boost.

Re: Math Question for you Smart Guys

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:02 am
by Kelvorn
Perfect, Thank you very much. I hadn't realized that it wasn't a straight 75%. Explains why the math never seemed to work with just dividing it by four. Thank you.

Re: Math Question for you Smart Guys

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:24 am
by Kelvorn
Just for clarification, in order to get 200% you want HALF the time correct?

Re: Math Question for you Smart Guys

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 3:31 am
by trihero
Kelvorn wrote:Just for clarification, in order to get 200% you want HALF the time correct?
Yes, without boosting, if your squad takes half the mission's duration to infiltrate, then they will get to 200% on their own without boosting.

It's a very simple linear model. If your squad takes 3 days to infiltrate, then on a mission with 3 days left you get to 100%. If the mission has 6 days then they will infiltrate double = 200%. If the mission has 4 days left then they will get to 4/3 = 133%. If the mission only had 1.5 days left, then the squad can only finish 50% of the infiltration. In short, you want your squad's infiltration time to be under the mission duration by as much as possible, but this is tough because you also want a capable squad. The other twist is the intel boost part, which is multiplicative, not additive.