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Legendary: dilemma on haven management

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:03 pm
by idleray

Playing my first Legendary campaign because I don't know the mod well enough to attempt iron man; I find the strategy layer mechanics a bit arcane...
Am I supposed to be hiding my resistance as soon as Advent reaches strength 4? I find that I'm abnormally starved of supplies and since turning my resistance back into supply duty for an Advent Strength 6 region, I've done one manageable mini-retal mission.

Should I be more afraid of having 10+ resistance staff working a strength 6 region? I only have 1 other region contacted and I feel currently that I don't have enough missions to do and I want to focus on liberating a region first, the question is whether to liberate the strength 2 new region or strength 6 region.

Also, how do I unlock 10 person squads?

I'm really excited to be doing those 0% supply raids I keep hearing about, but I don't know how to prepare for such a mission. At what point should I attempt one and what's the squad build I should use?

Re: Legendary: dilemma on haven management

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:00 pm
by WanWhiteWolf
I think you should start on a lower difficulty until you get familiar with the mod.

You may be able to savescum till' the end of time on missions but you will have a hard time on strategical layer.

As a general strategy for Haven Management you keep your rebels on intel most of the time. When you cannot take more missions (all soldiers are busy), you can swap them to recruit or hiding (that mostly depends on other circumstances).

I only use hiding for regions after I do the tower mission. Liberating on high STR can be difficult. You also want to avoid retals on regions you will liberate in the near future.

You don't use rebels on supplies the first 4 months or so. Your income is basically the loot you pick and sell + Smash & Grab missions. Once you liberate the region you can flip all rebels there to supplies.

Re: Legendary: dilemma on haven management

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:28 pm
by Antifringe
idleray wrote:Hi,

Playing my first Legendary campaign because I don't know the mod well enough to attempt iron man; I find the strategy layer mechanics a bit arcane...
Am I supposed to be hiding my resistance as soon as Advent reaches strength 4? I find that I'm abnormally starved of supplies and since turning my resistance back into supply duty for an Advent Strength 6 region, I've done one manageable mini-retal mission.
Absolutely not. Strength 4 is when Troop Columns start appearing. Avoiding these regions is part of the reason you're hurting for supplies.
Should I be more afraid of having 10+ resistance staff working a strength 6 region? I only have 1 other region contacted and I feel currently that I don't have enough missions to do and I want to focus on liberating a region first, the question is whether to liberate the strength 2 new region or strength 6 region.
Never be afraid to have your rebels do work. Hiding is a very specialized job that you really only want to do when manipulating vigilance thresholds or when you've basically won and are just coasting to the end.
Also, how do I unlock 10 person squads?
You don't. You get to send 10 soldiers on retaliations, and maybe a few other missions, but in general you wouldn't want such an option anyway. The infiltration time would be horrible.
I'm really excited to be doing those 0% supply raids I keep hearing about, but I don't know how to prepare for such a mission. At what point should I attempt one and what's the squad build I should use?
I don't really recommend 0% supply missions. You need a lot of broken stuff to pull it off. A full MSGT team has enough action economy that it could probably win, but before that, you are inviting disaster.

My AAR thread gets into gruesome levels of detail about how to manipulate the strategy layer.