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Can't give orders to resistance MEC

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:10 am
by Gabost8
What title says, I can't give orders to a resistance MEC in the mission where you get a spy with his contacts. When I give orders to the other characters, it finishes the turn, as if the MEC wasn't in the squad to begin with.

1) The version of Long War you are playing.
Steam version

2) The platform you are playing on.
PC, FX8350, GTX 960

3) What other XCOM2 mods you are playing with.
Stop Wasting my time
Perfect information
Show health values

4) The circumstances of the bug or precise steps to produce it.
Loaded the mission twice before it appeared in the strategic layer, and it still won't work. It's the first mission where I use a MEC, so I don't know about other missions.

5) Whether you are able to offer a savegame for us to look at. ... 6.rar?dl=0


Re: Can't give orders to resistance MEC

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:57 am
by tracktwo
Thanks, this is a known bug in the release version. It's already been fixed and will work in the first patch.

Re: Can't give orders to resistance MEC

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:56 am
by infidel901
Same problem here. Will the fix be retroactive to old saves?

Re: Can't give orders to resistance MEC

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:21 am
by tracktwo
It won't ruin your campaign, but if a mission is already started with a bugged MEC the update won't fix that MEC for that particular mission. It should correct itself on future missions, though.

Re: Can't give orders to resistance MEC

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 5:30 am
by dodger
Came to report this same issue, glad to see it noted here.

Re: Can't give orders to resistance MEC

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:16 am
by Pendrako
this might actually be related to why aliens from Playable Aliens aren't being considered player-controlled too, had the same thing happen with a site-gained sidewinder in my squad for my first Network Tower hit. The SPARK and three Technicals with her all were fine and usable, blew stealth and started demolishing the place she... just sits back at the entrance, still concealed, and uncontrollable. It's actually almost like the game just considers any troop that isn't based on a human pawn or a SPARK as a non-entity. She was still selectable, but that was about it. no turns. I'm about to run her on a second mission and going to try a few things to see if i can get her to move. might help figure out a workaround until this gets fixed later with said upcoming patch (which should prboably fix things for PA too).

Re: Can't give orders to resistance MEC

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:28 pm
by Sacred Sakura
Just started to have this issue as well, though it worked on the faceless missions.

Now a retaliation started and i can neither control the mec nor the local advisor.
I sure hope the patch comes soon, i will put my campaign on hold till then xD.
(lucky me has a save right before the mission)