[1.2] Trench Gun mouseover text says cooldown is 3 turns but it is actually 4 turns

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[1.2] Trench Gun mouseover text says cooldown is 3 turns but it is actually 4 turns

Post by Jacke »

On Long War 1.2 on PC. Whole pile of XCOM 2 mods, but they shouldn't have any effect here.

In XComLW_SoldierSkills.ini, it appears Trench Gun is referred to by values named "STREET_SWEEPER_*" while Street Sweeper has names "STREET_SWEEPER2_*". #2 has a longer cooldown and a greater cone AoE.

The mouseover text for Trench Gun says it has a cooldown of "three turns" but on line 225 of XComLW_SoldierSkills.ini it has:

Code: Select all

which is how the perk performs in game.
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Re: [1.2] Trench Gun mouseover text says cooldown is 3 turns but it is actually 4 turns

Post by Jadiel »

I don't think this a bug, it's just due to the way that the game counts cooldowns which is different to the way people understand them.

If I say a skill has a 1 turn cooldown, you understand that as meaning that you use the skill one turn, then you can't use it the next turn, then you can use it the turn after. A 3 turn cooldown means when you use it, you have to wait 3 turns (during which you can't use it) and then you can use it on the 4th turn.

The game counts the turn you use it though, so as soon as you use a 1 turn cooldown, it sets the timer to -1 on the ui, so you would be able to use it again the following turn. So the game's values are all one higher than the tooltips, to fit with expected behaviour. Streetsweeper sets itself to t-4 as soon as you use it, which means that you will be able to use it again 4 turns later, as you'd expect from a 3 turn cd ability
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