(Request) Mission Brief panel adjustments

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(Request) Mission Brief panel adjustments

Post by Zyxpsilon »

Currently that panel has a series of bottom strings that give various hints about the upcoming mission conditions.

I took a glimpse at your UIUtilities script that handles these (( m_Str.. )) fields and can only conclude the generic framework is hard-coded to concatenate such details on two individual "Info Lines" pulled straight from the LWOverhaul.INT LOC file.

-- I just wanted to see if replacing the strings with some custom Icons would offer swift visual symbols to carry the same info. It works but the panel structure is basicly limited by the fonts sized @16 ONLY!

For example, this test was made to examine the possibility...
(( m_strMaxSquadSize="<img src='img:///UILibrary_Common.UIEvent_staff' width='32' height='32' vspace='-8'>" ;Max Squad Size"

Thus.. my appeal to you could be expressed rather simply;

-- Either allocate a taller area per/Lines while adjusting the Panel to compensate or...
-- Fuse both lines into ONE, assuming the total necessary symbols (7/8 maximum.. i think) could fit the current width while including the values & times. Heck, even the Turns/Timer is using a "Spinning Bubble" sprite where numbers are ticking during Tactical battles.

Maybe just a Font resizing to nearly @24 would be sufficient for the task. My squinting eyes would stop winking that's for sure! :)

Even if such a modded solution might not be good enough from a Pavonis design POV, i still feel direct visual HUD systems are somewhat appealing if given the opportunity to adapt within a conditional hybrid framework.
Please? :geek:
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