LW2 Mission type corpse drops

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LW2 Mission type corpse drops

Post by AlbinoBlacky »

Hi, I'm trying to find where to edit the mission types that drop enemy corpses. Namely I want to give the "Defend Supply Line" and "Defend Relay" missions the ability to drop enemy corpses, since they are non-evac missions after all. Can this be changed with a simple .ini tweak or do I need the mod tools for this? Because 50GB+ of mod tools sucks on a 5mbps connection :cry:

Thank you for your hard work on this mod! Played LW1 for about 500+ hours and the firefights were epic :D hoping to get the most out of this Long War too!
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Re: LW2 Mission type corpse drops

Post by johnnylump »

In Missions.ini, find the +arrMissions entry for any mission you want to change.

The missions you describe are here:
+arrMissions=(MissionName="IntelRaid_LW", sType="IntelRaid_LW", \\
+arrMissions=(MissionName="SupplyConvoy_LW", sType="SupplyConvoy_LW", \\

The relevant lines you are looking look like this:
bIsTacticalObjective=false, bIsStrategyObjective=true, bIsTriadObjective=true), \\

If you want corpses, set bIsTacticalObjective=true and bIsTriadObjective=false.

When true, bIsTriadObjective sets mission cleanup to an intermediate state where any bleeding out/unconscious soldiers are rescued and any loot drops are picked up, but you don't get corpses. bIsTacticalObjective does all that and grants corpses too.
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Re: LW2 Mission type corpse drops

Post by AlbinoBlacky »

Thanks JL! I never imagined that you would be the one to reply to me :lol:

Ah I knew it was one of those, although I thought it was the bIsTriadObjective=true since there were notes on the .ini that alluded to it; tried setting it to false but didn't see any changes with alien corpse rewards. Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction and keep up the good work! I've been playing this since 1.3 dropped and I really like the change in direction from stealth back to team tactical engagements :D
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