Non-random AWC perks

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Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:18 am

Non-random AWC perks

Post by amgarrak1 »

I understand that LW2 devs tried to expand on the original random AWC abilities, but I think there is enough randomness in xcom as is, so is there any way to make the pool of AWC abilities(off-class) not random? Like maybe choose 3 out of all available ones, or perhaps a way to manually set 3 abilities to each class in the inis?
Posts: 15
Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:33 am

Re: Non-random AWC perks

Post by Emerging_Chaos »

Looking at the ini file this seems possible, but quite tedious. Reason being is that there's a common list of abilities that all classes choose from. Typically looks like this:

Code: Select all

+AWCAbilityTree_Offense=(Level=1, AbilityName="Executioner",			ApplyToWeaponSlot=eInvSlot_PrimaryWeapon)
There are 3 levels (as there are 3 abilities to choose from). Offense is for the offensive ability trees and there is another list for defensive abilities. So you can start but simply changing what abilities you want to be in the common pool for all soldiers.

Where it gets tedious is the exclusion section. This comes in 2 forms, class and ability restrictions. Typically look like this:

Class restriction

Code: Select all

+AWCRestrictions=(AWCAbility="WalkFire", RestrictedClass="LWS_Sharpshooter")
Ability restriction

Code: Select all

+AWCRestrictions=(AWCAbility="LightningReflexes_LW", RestrictedAbility="Shadowstep")
What you want to do, is decide what abilities you want each class to have at which rank and put them in the common pool. Next you want to restrict all other abilities that you do not want going to other classes. This means you will have to basically rebuild the entire AWC ability list and rules, so creating a backup is going to be extremely important unless you want to go through this each time LW2 updates.
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