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Edits to Classdata and Rookie pcs slots?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:26 am
by food
When make changes to the classdata.ini, like moving abilties around, the second pcs slot shows up as 'unlocks at rookie rank'. I moved the sawed off over to the gunner and the arc thrower to the ranger, then added in the appropriate skills, but now the second pcs slot has greyed out. I still get the squaddie slot and the technical, which I haven't messed with still has the second slot listed as 'unlocks at nco rank'.

Any ideas why this is happening? Custom classes show the same thing, 'unlocks at rookie', with the squaddie slot functional.

Re: Edits to Classdata and Rookie pcs slots?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:19 am
by TyreT
As far as I know, both the base game and LW2 only hve one PCS slot per soldier. I suspect the second slot is added by a mod you use?
If that's the case, this might be an incompability between that mod and LW2.