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Training Slots

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:46 pm
by R2-Opus2
Is there a way to increase soldier/officer/AWC training slots, and how might it look in terms of the room's UI - buttons and so forth?

Also I notice that in the margins for the rooms in Avenger view, there's plenty of room for more people spots (I estimate maybe 8 people spots would fit nicely in the margins for each room at the bottom) Curious to know how much I need to do to make that happen without having it look strange.

With squad management as a thing, I find it helpful late game if there's multiple spots for training rookies/officers, maybe one more AWC respec spot and 3 for skill training. Three seems to be the magic number, so I'd like to start there and see how that affects squad development. I don't respec that often, so I'd probably not exceed 2 spots for that purpose, but three rookies/psi guys, three for officers, three for AWC training seems about right. Also any insights as to how much it should cost in terms of upgrades and at what ranks that should happen would be cool.

If I've overlooked a mod that does this for Long War 2 already, let me know.