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REQUEST: AWC Required Ability Structure

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 12:43 am
by shiremct
Hi LW2 Team,

First off, thanks for all your hard work on the mod! It may be too late to get anything into 1.3, but I'd like to propose an additional structure element to the AWCAbilityRestriction format to help increase compatibilities between custom classes developed for LW2. If it works smoothly, I think it should also simplify AWC ability restriction maintenance on you guys for the standard LW2 abilities and classes as well.

The additional structure element would be a RequiredAbility and would function as an OR statement (flags true on the first one it finds, flags false if none are found after looping.) Below is an example of what I mean - note it's a quick and dirty edit in Notepad++ and completely untested, but should be a good starting point:

Code: Select all

//  FILE:    LWAWCUtilities.uc
//  AUTHOR:  Amineri (Pavonis Interactive)
//  PURPOSE: This container holds config, localization, and utility code for the LW AWC system
class LWAWCUtilities extends Object config(LW_AWCPack);

enum AWCTrainingType

struct AWCAbilityConfig
	var int Level;
	var name AbilityName;
	var EInventorySlot ApplyToWeaponSlot;
	var name UtilityCat;
	var float Weight;

struct AWCAbilityRestriction
	var name AWCAbility;
	var name RestrictedClass;
	var name RestrictedAbility;
	var name RequiredAbility;

// Ability tree
var config int NUM_PISTOL_ABILITIES;

var config array<AWCAbilityConfig> AWCAbilityTree_Offense;
var config array<AWCAbilityConfig> AWCAbilityTree_Pistol;
var config array<AWCAbilityConfig> AWCAbilityTree_Defense;

var config array<AWCAbilityRestriction> AWCRestrictions;

var config float PistolTrainingMultiplier; // all pistol ability training times are multiplied by this amount, then rounded down to nearest hour

// Content 

var config array<string> AWCLevelIcons;			//imagepaths to level icons

// Config 

var config array<int> RequiredRankForAWCTraining;		//  the minimum regular soldier rank required 
var config array<float> TrainingDaysForAWCLevel;		// number of days required to train each AWC Level

// Localization 

var localized array<string> AWCLevelNames;       //  there should be one name for each row in Armory UI
var localized string LeftAbilityTreeTitle;
var localized string CenterAbilityTreeTitle;
var localized string RightAbilityTreeTitle;

var localized string strAWCMenuOption;
var localized string strAWCListItemDescription;

// Accessor and helper functions

// Number of days required to train to a the supplied rank
static function float GetAWCTrainingDays(int Level)
	if(Level < 0)
		return default.TrainingDaysForAWCLevel[0];

	if(Level > default.TrainingDaysForAWCLevel.Length - 1)
		return default.TrainingDaysForAWCLevel[default.TrainingDaysForAWCLevel.Length - 1];

	return default.TrainingDaysForAWCLevel[Level];

//checks if a unit has any AWC abilities
static function bool HasAWCTraining(XComGameState_Unit Unit)
	local XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW AWCState;
	local ClassAgnosticAbility Ability;

	AWCState = GetAWCComponent(Unit);
	if (AWCState == none) return false;

	foreach AWCState.OffenseAbilities(Ability)
			return true;
	foreach AWCState.DefenseAbilities(Ability)
			return true;
	foreach AWCState.PistolAbilities(Ability)
			return true;
	return false;

// Returns the AWC component attached to the supplied Unit GameState
static function XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW GetAWCComponent(XComGameState_Unit Unit, optional XComGameState NewGameState)
	local XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW AWCState;

	if(Unit == none)
		return none;

	if(NewGameState != none)
		foreach NewGameState.IterateByClassType(class'XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW', AWCState)
			if(AWCState.OwningObjectID == Unit.ObjectID)
				return AWCState;
	return XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW(Unit.FindComponentObject(class'XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW'));

//Returns the path to the AWC rank icon of the given rank
static function string GetAWCLevelIcon(const int Level)
	if(Level < 0 || Level > default.AWCLevelIcons.Length - 1)
		return "";
	return default.AWCLevelIcons[Level];

//Returns the localized string rank name of the given rank
static function string GetAWCLevelName(const int Level)
	if(Level < 0 || Level > default.AWCLevelNames.Length - 1)
		return "";
	return default.AWCLevelNames[Level];

static function GCandValidationChecks()
	local XComGameStateHistory History;
	local XComGameState NewGameState;
	local XComGameState_Unit UnitState, UpdatedUnit;
	local XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW AWCState, UpdatedAWC;
	//local XComGameState_HeadquartersProjectTrainAWC_LW TrainAWCState;

	`LOG("LWAWCUtilities: Starting Garbage Collection and Validation.");

	History = `XCOMHISTORY;
	NewGameState = class'XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer'.static.CreateChangeState("AWC States cleanup");
	foreach History.IterateByClassType(class'XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW', AWCState,,true)
		`LOG("LWAWCUtilities: Found AWCState, OwningObjectID=" $ AWCState.OwningObjectId $ ", Deleted=" $ AWCState.bRemoved);
		//check and see if the OwningObject is still alive and exists
		if(AWCState.OwningObjectId > 0)
			UnitState = XComGameState_Unit(History.GetGameStateForObjectID(AWCState.OwningObjectID));
			if(UnitState == none)
				`LOG("LWAWCUtilities: AWC Component has no current owning unit, cleaning up state.");
				// Remove disconnected AWC state
				`LOG("LWAWCUtilities: Found Owning Unit=" $ UnitState.GetFullName() $ ", Deleted=" $ UnitState.bRemoved);
					`LOG("LWAWCUtilities: Owning Unit was removed, Removing and unlinking AWCState");
					UpdatedUnit = XComGameState_Unit(NewGameState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_Unit', UnitState.ObjectID));
					UpdatedAWC = XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW(NewGameState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW', AWCState.ObjectID));
	//foreach History.IterateByClassType(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersProjectTrainAWC_LW', TrainAWCState,,true)
		////check and see if the OwningObject is still alive and exists
		//`LOG("LWAWCUtilities: Found TrainAWCState, ObjectID=" $  TrainAWCState.ObjectId);
	if (NewGameState.GetNumGameStateObjects() > 0)

static function CancelAWCTrainingProject(StateObjectReference ProjectRef)
	local XComGameState NewGameState;
	local XComGameState_HeadquartersProjectTrainAWC_LW ProjectState;
	local XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom XComHQ, NewXComHQ;
	local XComGameState_Unit UnitState;
	local XComGameState_StaffSlot StaffSlotState;
	local XComGameStateHistory History;

	History = `XCOMHISTORY;
	NewGameState = class'XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer'.static.CreateChangeState("Cancel AWC Training Project");

	ProjectState = XComGameState_HeadquartersProjectTrainAWC_LW(`XCOMHISTORY.GetGameStateForObjectID(ProjectRef.ObjectID));

	if (ProjectState != none)
		UnitState = XComGameState_Unit(History.GetGameStateForObjectID(ProjectState.ProjectFocus.ObjectID));

		if (UnitState != none)
			// Set the soldier status back to active
			UnitState = XComGameState_Unit(NewGameState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_Unit', UnitState.ObjectID));
			// Remove the soldier from the staff slot
			StaffSlotState = UnitState.GetStaffSlot();
			if (StaffSlotState != none)

		XComHQ = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(History.GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom'));
		if (XComHQ != none)
			NewXComHQ = XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom(NewGameState.CreateStateObject(class'XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom', XComHQ.ObjectID));

///////// Presentation helper

static function UIChooseAWCAbility(StateObjectReference UnitRef, StateObjectReference StaffSlotRef, optional bool b3DMovie = false)
	local XComHQPresentationLayer HQPres;
	local UIChooseAWCAbility_LW AWCScreen;

	HQPres = `HQPRES;
	if (`SCREENSTACK.IsNotInStack(class'UIChooseAWCAbility_LW'))
		AWCScreen = HQPres.Spawn(class'UIChooseAWCAbility_LW', HQPres);
		AWCScreen.m_UnitRef = UnitRef;
		AWCScreen.m_StaffSlotRef = StaffSlotRef;
		`SCREENSTACK.Push(AWCScreen, (b3DMovie ? HQPres.Get3DMovie() : none));

function static array<ClassAgnosticAbility> GetValidAWCAbilitiesForUnit(XComGameState_Unit UnitState, array<AWCAbilityConfig> SourceAbilities, int AWCLevel, optional XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW AWCComponent)
	local array<ClassAgnosticAbility> Abilities;
	local ClassAgnosticAbility NewAbility;
	local AWCAbilityConfig PossibleAbility;
    local X2AbilityTemplateManager AbilityTemplateManager;
	local X2AbilityTemplate AbilityTemplate;
	if (AWCComponent == none)
		AWCComponent = GetAWCComponent(UnitState); // retrieve from history if it wasn't passed

	AbilityTemplateManager = class'X2AbilityTemplateManager'.static.GetAbilityTemplateManager();

	foreach SourceAbilities(PossibleAbility)
		AbilityTemplate = AbilityTemplateManager.FindAbilityTemplate(PossibleAbility.AbilityName);
		if (AbilityTemplate == none)

		if(PossibleAbility.Level != AWCLevel)

		if(RestrictedAbility(UnitState, AWCComponent, PossibleAbility.AbilityName))

		if(HasClassAbility(UnitState, PossibleAbility.AbilityName))

      	if (HasEarnedAbility(UnitState, PossibleAbility.AbilityName))
		if(!HasRequiredAbility(UnitState, PossibleAbility.AbilityName))

		if(AWCComponent != none && AWCComponent.HasAWCAbility(UnitState, PossibleAbility.AbilityName))

		NewAbility.iRank = PossibleAbility.Level;
		NewAbility.bUnlocked = false;
		NewAbility.AbilityType.AbilityName = PossibleAbility.AbilityName;
		NewAbility.AbilityType.ApplyToWeaponSlot = PossibleAbility.ApplyToWeaponSlot;
		NewAbility.AbilityType.UtilityCat = PossibleAbility.UtilityCat;
	return Abilities;

// Is the given ability restricted for the given unit? Takes a possibly-none AWCComponent.
function static bool RestrictedAbility(XComGameState_Unit Unit, XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW AWCComponent, name AbilityName)
	local AWCAbilityRestriction Restriction;

	foreach class'LWAWCUtilities'.default.AWCRestrictions(Restriction)
		if(Restriction.AWCAbility != AbilityName)
		if(Restriction.RestrictedClass == Unit.GetSoldierClassTemplateName())
			return true;

		if(AWCComponent != none && AWCComponent.HasAWCAbility(Unit, Restriction.RestrictedAbility) || HasClassAbility(Unit, Restriction.RestrictedAbility) || HasEarnedAbility(Unit, Restriction.RestrictedAbility))
			return true;
	return false;

function static bool HasRequiredAbility(XComGameState_Unit Unit, XComGameState_Unit_AWC_LW AWCComponent, name AbilityName)
	local AWCAbilityRestriction Restriction;

	foreach class'LWAWCUtilities'.default.AWCRestrictions(Restriction)
		if(Restriction.AWCAbility != AbilityName)

		if(AWCComponent != none && AWCComponent.HasAWCAbility(Unit, Restriction.RequiredAbility) || HasClassAbility(Unit, Restriction.RequiredAbility) || HasEarnedAbility(Unit, Restriction.RequiredAbility))
			return true;
	return false;

function static bool HasClassAbility(XComGameState_Unit Unit, name AbilityName)
	local X2SoldierClassTemplate SoldierClassTemplate;
	local array<SoldierClassAbilityType> AbilityTree;
	local int iRank, iBranch;

	SoldierClassTemplate = Unit.GetSoldierClassTemplate();
    if (SoldierClassTemplate != None)
	    for(iRank = 0; iRank < SoldierClassTemplate.GetMaxConfiguredRank(); iRank++)
		    AbilityTree = SoldierClassTemplate.GetAbilityTree(iRank);
		    for(iBranch = 0; iBranch < AbilityTree.Length; iBranch++)
			    if(AbilityTree[iBranch].AbilityName == AbilityName)
				    return true;
	return false;

function static bool HasEarnedAbility(XComGameState_Unit Unit, name AbilityName)
    local array<SoldierClassAbilityType> EarnedAbilities;
    local int i;

    EarnedAbilities = Unit.GetEarnedSoldierAbilities();
    for (i = 0; i < EarnedAbilities.Length; ++i)
        if (EarnedAbilities[i].AbilityName == AbilityName)
            return true;

    return false;
I apologize, I cannot get any other formatting to work inside the code tags, so rather than bold my additions, I set them within //***** - The additions are the RequiredAbility name in the structure itself, an extra check in the GetValidAWCAbilitiesForUnit function and an extra function below referenced there. Like I said, this is a quick and dirty edit, it's probably best to restructure the RestrictedAbility check function so the game isn't looping through all of the items again, but it may not be much of an issue.

If this or similar functionality could be added in a future version, I would greatly appreciate it - it will make it easier for custom classes to add abilities to the AWC that play nice(r) with other custom classes and should make maintenance on things like the melee AWC class abilities easier as well; instead of restricting them from all the other classes, you could just require abilities from the ones that need them.
