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Any help on how to change mission parameters, specifically for SmashNGrab?

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:35 am
by J3reakD0wn
Trying to change the one cache per unit permanently thing. Was thinking it could potentially be better like this:

1. Stealth method
a. Can only carry 1, but has the ability to drop the cache> when avenger lifts off, all caches within the zone will be counted as picked up.
b. picking up caches does not break stealth.
An easier way around it would be to make the caches be counted as NPC units that can be picked up, just with no animation, then using the existing pick up/drop off command for hostile NPCs to carry it around and the lift off command for allied npcs/players when the cache is in the zone.

2. Carry everything, but incur significant movement penalties for every additional one (until you can't move, which means there's still a cap)
eg. -2 mobility for 2nd, -4 for 3rd, -5 for 4th = collectively -11 for carrying 4 caches.

Thinking of new ways to play the mission, instead of just sending big squads and wiping things fast...I know it's kind of the reason why it's called smash and grab, but i'm thinking of other ways this mission type can be used..!
First method will feel so good with the reapers and shadow stealth, imagine bypassing the patrols, sniping the guards at the entrance, breaking in and getting out without breaking stealth. This means smaller squads can do this mission as well!

I'm super new to modding, only ever edited number values in .inis before in xcom1, and this seems like a pretty massive change to implement. Hence the title, 'cause i've never modded much before. Any thoughts, people?

Re: Any help on how to change mission parameters, specifically for SmashNGrab?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:07 am
by tracktwo
These were actually both ideas we tossed around when designing the mission in the first place, but ultimately rejected for a few reasons. Not least of which is that the first one is a lot more complex to implement. There are a lot of corner cases to consider with these approaches, so we went with the simpler model. The 1-per soldier was a by design choice as well, but we did discuss allowing carrying more than one but with a movement penalty. Mostly we wanted to avoid the mission just becoming a single-shinobi-walks-very-slowly-around-the-map-with-a-bunch-of-items-while-concealed mission. Also, we needed to avoid exploits like your single guy picks up a bunch of stuff then another guy knocks him out with sedate and carries the soldier with all the gear and full mobility. But all that said, doing option 2 is a much easier mod than the first option. There are a few pieces to this:

1) The item is currently set to go into the eInvSlot_Mission inventory slot, which can only hold a single item. Changing it in a mod to a backpack item would mostly remove the 1-item restriction. Although I'm not 100% sure that giving an item weight will cause mobility on a soldier to drop when they pick it up as loot or not.

2) Giving the item progressively increased weight based on the number of items you have would take a different mod to adjust soldier mobility, possibly in the mission script itself.