I love this game.

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I love this game.

Post by KinSeth2 »

There are a lot of posts here, often saying the same things.

"We need to be able to hide the unwanted techs!"
"We need hotkeys. Mission assignments are such a pain!"
"Can we get a better space combat maneuver system?"
"The UI is really painful."
"The aliens are attacking me for no reason!"
"Why are navies attached to armies?"

They are all true to some degree. They need to be said. However, as I come back here day by day, all I wanted was to say that I love this game. Thank you so much for making it. I am extremely excited for the future of it. I wanted to list a few things that I enjoy about this game. Anyone else is free to do the same.

This game is a slow burn and I absolutely adore it in this modern-day environment of flashing lights and 6 second content.
This game is basically two games in one. Starting as a geopolitical simulator and moving into a space RTS strategy game.
The simple fact that it captures the essence of how BIG space is.
Each faction really does feel unique in their style and flavor. The alien lore could be expanded, but this game isn't about them. It's about Humans being humans.
The sheer joy of killing your first ship, is tangible. This is because it's the culmination of years of effort!
You need to rely at least to some degree on your enemies. You cannot defeat the enemies alone. (At least it's really really hard.)

Thank you for making such an amazing game! Keep it up! I believe in you guys! Others that see this, add some of your favorite aspects! Let's show our devs some love.
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Re: I love this game.

Post by johnnylump »

Thanks for taking the time to say so.
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Joined: Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:44 am

Re: I love this game.

Post by AdamPodstavka »

I've just registered to this forum only to add to this.

The game is far from perfect, but it is absolutely awesome! I've even postponed my efforts to get a new job just so that I can enjoy freely. There have been games I've been waiting for a long time to try, and they were just published, like Victoria 3 or first playable demo released for Manor Lords. But I didn't even watch the trailers, as I am so fully enjoying Terra Invicta.

Of course it will not last forever, but now I am enjoying it a lot. I usually play a game for a few weeks and that's it. To some games I come back again once in while (e.g. Factorio, Settlers 2, Vicky 2). And I also enjoy periods of life when I don't play games at all and spend almost all time outdoors. I love the complexity of Terra Invicta. I have hundres of KB of notes in my Dynalist, and tons of data and formulas in Excel. I've reported many issues I've noticed on TI discord and I even published 2 small guides for parts of the game I didn't understand well enough.

Also, if the devs would need more support with coding and stuff, I'd be willing to participate.

So thank you so much JohnyLump and all others from Pavonis Interactive, for this awesome game!
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