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Players need more feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:48 pm
by Cybermancer
After a few month of transfer i have my fleet hanging around a hostile station in extreme Mars orbit, a station which i really need to take to repair and resupply, and i can't give the order to assault and i don't know why. I brought my troop carriers with elite space marines and a councillor with me. All now hanging in extreme Mars orbit with no delta-v to go anywhere.
This is pure frustrastion!

If a ship module is for some reason disabled it should be announced with flashing colors.

Also when i select a habitat from the right panel, i need 2 more mouse clicks before i can build. That sucks when you have to do it often.

Re: Players need more feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:58 pm
by Cybermancer
Also on a related note.
When i order my fleet to land on a body i get the name of the landmark to land at but not the name of the base.

While posing no problems with most asteroids for planets and moons with multiple sites this is not optimal.

Re: Players need more feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 11:54 pm
by johnnylump
For the inability to assault the station, can you provide us your save and steps to reproduce the issue? I'd like to see if there's a bug there or figure out how to provide feedback.

You can email to or post it on our Discord.

Point taken on the landing UI, will give it a look.

Re: Players need more feedback

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 10:20 am
by PAwleus
Cybermancer wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:48 pm After a few month of transfer i have my fleet hanging around a hostile station in extreme Mars orbit, a station which i really need to take to repair and resupply, and i can't give the order to assault and i don't know why. I brought my troop carriers with elite space marines and a councillor with me. All now hanging in extreme Mars orbit with no delta-v to go anywhere.
Are you sure your fleet is docked to the station?

Re: Players need more feedback

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 1:48 pm
by johnnylump

I just saw your posted save on the Discord. I was able to load and play your save on our internal build. I used the docked Resistance fleet in Extreme Mars orbit to capture the Servants' Brandenburg Station. (It takes a few days for the assault to complete.)

So I can't find a bug or a feedback issue. There's a chance something has changed between the live build (.76) and our internal build (.77), but otherwise I'll need to know the specific steps you took in this save and to figure out what was preventing you from launching the assault. Cross-posting to Discord.