50 aim starting soldiers? how?

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50 aim starting soldiers? how?

Post by twinfan603 »

I tried to come back to LW2 after an extended absence today. I've never had any problems with it before (other than slow loading times), but I started multiple campaigns today with NCE on and kept getting soldiers with crazy low stats.

I googled around and made sure my starting ranges and stats were normal, and they were. I tried tweaking them a bit, raising mobility to 16 and aim to 78 (because I kept getting a bunch of soldiers with 8 mobility or 50 aim).

I just changed the starting ranges to this (starting stats are all the same from default other than mob at 16 and aim at 78):

+STAT_CAPS=(Stat=eStat_Offense, Min=-4, Max=4)
+STAT_CAPS=(Stat=eStat_Defense, Min=-10, Max=10)
+STAT_CAPS=(Stat=eStat_Dodge, Min=-15, Max=15)
+STAT_CAPS=(Stat=eStat_Will, Min=-10, Max=10)
+STAT_CAPS=(Stat=eStat_Hacking, Min=-4, Max=15)
+STAT_CAPS=(Stat=eStat_HP, Min=-1, Max=3)
+STAT_CAPS=(Stat=eStat_Mobility, Min=0, Max=2)
+STAT_CAPS=(Stat=eStat_PsiOffense, Min=-15, Max=15)

But still, I just tried to start another campaign and at Gatecrasher I have a soldier with 9 mobility and 3 soldiers with aim under 55. Why is this happening? I don't remember anything like this when LW2 first came out and I played for hundreds of hours.
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Re: 50 aim starting soldiers? how?

Post by johnnylump »

Did you do the delete-your-config files troubleshooting step?
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Re: 50 aim starting soldiers? how?

Post by twinfan603 »

johnnylump wrote:Did you do the delete-your-config files troubleshooting step?
Yes, after the 3rd campaign with crazy stat ranges I deleted the entire config folder from the /steamapps/workshop/#####/LW#### location. I also tried unsubscribing and resubscribing, but that didn't work either.

Is there anything else in the code (other than what I pasted above) that accounts for soldier stat ranges?
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Re: 50 aim starting soldiers? how?

Post by johnnylump »

Need to delete them in
in \Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config. These will be recreated on your next game start.

Beyond that ... are you trying to run any other mods with LW2? Running with our pack mods will cause problems (all the stuff from those mods are in LW2, so you don't need those as well)
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Re: 50 aim starting soldiers? how?

Post by twinfan603 »

Thank you for taking the time to respond, Johnny. It turned out to be a mod conflict yes; once I took off SRW NCE the starting stats normalized.

After playing a few missions I have had problems with tiles in 2 different missions though. One was a jailbreak where the prisoners didn't spawn at all, and the other a smash'n'grab where the central room with all the chests was some reason inaccessible (even though it spawned and there were no visual problems).

I'm guessing it's another mod conflict with a map mod, but it is strange. Has there been a patch that would have caused such a problem?

[I can post screenshots of the smash'n'grab if anyone wants to see them.
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Re: 50 aim starting soldiers? how?

Post by johnnylump »

Those aren't issues I recall seeing, so I'd guess the map mods.
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Re: 50 aim starting soldiers? how?

Post by twinfan603 »

johnnylump wrote:Those aren't issues I recall seeing, so I'd guess the map mods.
Sorry to be seeking help again, but I disable the 4 map mods I was using and the problem is still persisting. On another jailbreak, the prisoners/prison never even spawned, and the minute the mission was loaded the red failure box was ticked in the upper lefthand corner.

I took screenshots so you can see. (The unloaded tiles from the SNG were before I deactivated the map mods, but still weird; the other 4 are from the jailbreak loading screen and then showing that there is no prisoner spawn).

I really don't tinker with the .ini at all, and although I am using about 40 mods, most of them are cosmetic (voicepacks, clothes, etc.)

https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/765 ... reenshots/

EDIT: After I uninstalled WOTC and tested out the 2 missions both were fine. Very strange, but I guess even having WOTC installed and check-marked might alter some of the files in some way.
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Re: 50 aim starting soldiers? how?

Post by SpinDoctor »

I had problems with mods at one point. I couldn't even run the game unless I deleted the config ini every time I started it. Number 1 of this list solved all the problems for me. Hopefully it's something simple:

Troubleshooting mods
Whenever you have some mods not working or fail to disable properly, here are 3 steps that you should try first, since the game does not properly disable mods. So when you try to disable them, this can cause a lot of conflicts when you swap mods out leading to strange behaviours or even crashes.

1. Clean up your override configurations

Go to your Documents\My Games\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\XComEngine.ini and look for every line that starts with "ModClassOverrides=", and remove all of them, these lines are added by mods that requires overriding other base game classes, but the game never removes them once you disable the mods, this can easily cause disabled mods to still affect your gameplay.

Note that ever since Alien Hunters patch, you only need to do this step once after the patch, as the modoverride lines no longer gets written to the file permenantly, but the lines added before the patch does not get cleaned up automatically.

2. Still not working? Verify Game Cache

Before verifying game cache, just to be safe, you might also want to clear out Documents\My Games\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\ , as the problems mentioned above, the game might fail to clear out edits made by other mods, deleting them will cause the game to generate a new set of config, beware this will clear all your user data such as settings and custom INI tweaks (but not saves), so make a backup before doing this.
To verify game cache, go to steam library, right click your game, select properties, then select the local files tab and click verify game cache.

3. Most mods should work now, but if some of them are still not working, verify if they are not in conflict with each other.

go back to Documents\My Games\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\XComEngine.ini from step 1 after you run the game once with just the mods you want to be enabled, then look for the "ModClassOverrides=" lines again, make sure no 2 lines have the same "BaseGameClass=" properties, if there are, you just enabled 2 conflicting mod, repeat step 1 and disable the conflicting mod (you can see which mod add those lines by going to <steam library folder>/workshop/content/268500/<mod ID>/Config/XComEngine.ini

If the mods are still not working after the above 3 steps, contact the mod author and state your issue clearly. Happy modding!
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