Congratulations to the Devs here

For updates and discussion of Terra Invicta, a grand-strategy alien invasion simulator
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Joined: Sat Oct 01, 2022 10:44 am

Congratulations to the Devs here

Post by neilwilkes »

I found this game because of a YouTube channel by '', where he introduced it as 'a game I cannot stop playing' and became seriously interested - enough to simply go over to Steam & just buy it immediately.
Wow, am I glad I did this.
Previous Strategy games I love are basically the Civilization series by Firaxis/4K which I thought were complex & involved with all the different mechanics & options available but believe me when I tell you that Terra Invicta makes Civ6 look as complex as tiddlywinks by comparison & I am hooked. Totally, irretrievably & utterly hooked.

The scope is incredibly ambitious (not to mention seriously detailed) but even though it has only been out a week I can see instantly how much work & development has been done behind the scenes (I missed out on the early development as I had no clue this game even existed until I saw the Potato playthrough) and even at this early stage of utter ignorance regarding the consequences of any actions I am taking it is utterly enthralling.

Keep up the great work, guys - you have made a seriously entertaining game here and I just love it.
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