Betas & Release - is this possible?

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Betas & Release - is this possible?

Post by neilwilkes »

Hi Guys & Gals.

Very much interested in remaining opted in to the beta patches, but if someone could please answer these queries for me that would be awesome & very much appreciated.
1. Is it possible to have both the current release build as well as a separate install of the latest beta in test at the same time, or do I have to use the manage option in the Steam library?
2. If the answer to the above is what I suspect (use the manage function) how good is it at reverting to release builds, and how do I go about this? I ask because I checked the beta builds list just recently (properties/betas) and saw what seemed to be 2 different versions of one (beta & validation builds) or roll-back to previous 0.3.20, which seems to be several patches behind as the current is 0.3.26 yes?
So If I select 'None' do I get build 3.26, or 3.20 and is the 'validation build' the same as the released patch in the game library feed?

Many Thanks.
Once I get correct management sorted out, it occurs to me that if things work the way I want them to then I can manage the game name with version numbers, keeping a current campaign on release build & another on latest beta build & I am hoping this is possible.
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