XCOM 2 Shieldbearer mod idea

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XCOM 2 Shieldbearer mod idea

Post by CraZCanuck »

I've been thinking. ADVENT rolls around Shieldbearers around midgame, but we don't ever get a soldier capable of tanking the way they do. Would anyone be interested in modding in a Tank class? I have several ideas for the skill tree.

Squaddie: Awareness-All nearby allies gain +5/+10/+15 defense when in cover

And then the tree begins dividing between two trees. Supporting Tank or Hypertank

Supporting Tank Tree

Corporal: Dense Smoke-Gives the soldier one free use of the smoke grenade with +20 extra defense, and will not end turn if used as the first action
Sergeant: Strength of will-Nearby allies gain a will bonus (+10/+15/+20)
Lieutenant: Forcefield-Give all allies within a radius a 3/4/5 hp shield (identical to the shieldbearers)
Captain: Area Denial-Take a covering fire overwatch shot against any enemy that fires on allies in a small area radius
Major: Lockdown-Soldier suppresses a cone area, damaging any enemy that moves through it.
Colonel: Mobile Cover-Puts the soldier into stasis for a turn, and allows him or her to act as full-cover.

Hypertank Tree

Corporal: Blast Padding-Grants a point of armour and -66% explosive damage
Lieutenant: Mindblown-Damages any enemy that tries to use mental impairments against the soldier (4/6/8)
Captain: Extra Conditioning-Grants +4 hp
Major: Alloy Plating-Grants resistance to fire, poison, and full immunity to explosives, as well as a point of armor
Colonel: Draw Fire-All enemies focus fire on this soldier for one turn, and this soldier hunkers down for free.

I feel like this tree would have good potential if balanced correctly. The secondary weapon for this soldier would be a bracer... again, think Shieldbearer, that would grant bonuses to the will increase and flat defense for proximity on the Squaddie skill. Would anyone be interested in modding this for me, or pointing me in the right direction if i were to try and mod this myself? I'm very new to the idea of modding, and would need assistance to make this work.
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Re: XCOM 2 Shieldbearer mod idea

Post by johnnylump »

Thanks for your thoughts. We've got our agenda set these days, but I'll keep these ideas in mind. Best, John
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Re: XCOM 2 Shieldbearer mod idea

Post by CraZCanuck »

Great! If nothing else, could you aid me in making a mod of that kind? Steer me as to where I need to go?
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Re: XCOM 2 Shieldbearer mod idea

Post by Yzaxtol »

This sounds fairly familiar to a Paladin Class I'm currently designing.

A super tough swordsman character. If you want when I get back home I can show you what I've currently accomplished and how. And my plans on what to implement next.

A few of these ideas I was actually going to integrate into a variant of the W.A.R. suit called BASTION, as characters by themselves are intentionally squishy without the right gear.
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Re: XCOM 2 Shieldbearer mod idea

Post by CraZCanuck »

I'd gladly take a look at what you have an how you got that. Fair warning, though, I am a mac user and therefore have no access to the dev tools, which is a shame. i would love to be able to make the custom abilities I've got under my shieldbearer idea, and anything you can do in that regard would be appreciated.
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