Who to Train for Pistols

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Who to Train for Pistols

Post by Sines »

So, any class (except SPARK) can potentially learn Pistol mastery. And while Sharpshooters are still a prime choice for them, I figured I'd think about what other classes merit so much AWC time.

Classes I deem as 'dedicated' Gunslingers can build specifically for Pistol use, if you're willing to spend the time. Backup Gunslingers can make good use of the Pistol as an alternative option to their Primary and Secondary weapons, but you probably won't want to spend the time going down the whole tree.

Assault - Known for their shotgun mastery, Assaults could make good use of a pistol for times when they aren't in range. While the Arc Thrower works as well, it doesn't overwatch and is still only usable every two turns. When you don't want to risk activating more pods, an Assault can safely Gunsling for you, especially if you picked up Aggression and Bring 'Em On, which would improve your Pistols ability to crit. The only downsides is that Assaults all-or-nothing nature make them prime candidates to pick up extra skills at the AWC already, and that Assaults tend to be made from high mobility low-aim soldiers when using the GTS. But hey, once you got a high aim assault, and they don't have super-great AWC skills, there's nothing else in your way. Assaults can be a good choice for a dip into Gunslinging as a backup.

Grenadier - Probably the worst Gunslingers. Only Center Mass improves your pistol, and the Grenade Launcher is useless without Grenades, and the pistol will take the place of one of your grenades. On short missions, your grenadier probably won't spend many useful turns not throwing grenades. On longer missions, you need every grenade you can get. And Center Mass does not improve your grenades at all, so why are you taking it?

Gunner - An early Center Mass gives you bonus pistol damage, but you're already using one of the best guns in the game. Still, Traverse Fire later on lets you shoot your Cannon and then take a second action, which you could use to Showdown or Fan Fire. Also, the Cannon tends to eat through its ammo like crazy, and the Pistol can offer you an alternative action to preserve your ammo for your special Cannon shots. As far as gear slots go, the Gunner doesn't need much mobility or other gear, so it's pretty easy to go for an Armor - Ammo - Pistol setup for their utilities. A decent choice for Gunslinging as a backup.

Ranger - Like Gunners, Rangers have a lot of ways to eat through their primary weapon ammo very fast. Just remember that Light 'Em Up only gives you an extra attack for your primary weapon. You'll need to learn the Pistol equivalent first if you want to fire off two shots of that. Still, if you can fire off two AR shots, why even bother with two Pistol shots? Well, they get a lot of skills that enhance the Pistol. Locked On (which can work with Fan Fire), Center Mass / Aggression, Executioner, Bring 'Em On. A regular Ranger doesn't need a Pistol too much, but they're a strong candidate for a dedicated Gunslinger build.

Sharpshooter - The original gunslingers do not disappoint. Damn Good Ground, Center Mass, Agression and Hunter's Instinct all benefit a Gunslinger quite nicely. Death From Above doesn't benefit the pistol directly, but it's much better to follow up with Fan Fire or Showdown than it is a mere reload or Steady Weapon. Every rank except for the final one benefit Pistols in some way. Combine with naturally high aim, and Sharpshooters are still the best dedicated Gunslingers.

Shinobi - If you're attacking with your Shinobi, you're almost certainly using your sword. A Pistol just weighs you down. Plus, they don't have much in the realm of abilities that enhance them. Still, two things make Pistols a decent choice for them on non-sword builds. First off, they generally prefer the SMG for movement and concealment. If you're willing to give up 1 mobility and some training time, a trained Pistol is a superior option to the SMG for when concealment is broken. The second option applies only if you have Alien Hunters. Remember, the Shadowcaster Pistol lets a soldier re-enter concealment. When a fight gets dicey, let the Shinobi join in with Fan Fire and Showdown, before slinking back into the shadows for the next fight. Or, don't train, and just let him cut up some enemies then Shadowcast back into the darkness at the end. You're in this for the Shadowcaster, it's your choice whether you want to maximize your ability to use it for anything other than a free conceal.

Specialist - Specialists are not weapon users, really. The can only improve their overwatch, which is generally better spent on an AR than a Pistol, and during their turn, they have way too many actions to take already. They're generally a bad choice, but if you want your medic to have some better combat ability, Gunslinging is an option.

Technicals - Tied with Grenadiers for worst Gunslingers. While their demolition abilities are trickier to use than Grenades, they don't get a single ability to enhance their pistols. At least they don't lose Gauntlet charges by bringing a pistol along.

So, there you are. Sharpshooters still make the best dedicated gunslingers, with Rangers being good dedicated Gunslingers with a bit more utility. Assaults, Gunners and Shinobi have some reason to dip into the Pistol tree, but shouldn't dedicate themselves. Grenadiers, Technicals and Specialists (to a lesser extent) shouldn't even consider it.

I haven't tried out LW Psychics, but they're already spending enough time training their psi-abilities, and in Vanilla, they have enough psychic actions to take that they'd never have room for gunslinging. So they're probably worse than even Grenadiers and Technicals.

One last note goes to Officers. Officers get two special abilities with Pistols. One is Commisar, for the emergency execution of a mind-controlled soldier. The other is You'll Need This, which gives a spare ballistic pistol to an unequipped civilian. While these are both niche abilities, it does give a slightly improved reason to make the Officer into a Gunslinger. Still, the pistol actions are now competing with that soldiers regular abilities AND their Officer abilities. Not to mention that Pistol training competes with Officer training. But if an Officer has Showdown, Fan Fire or Lightning Hands at the top of their AWC list, there are definitely worse investments.
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Re: Who to Train for Pistols

Post by GavinRuneblade »

I look at pistols from a totally different direction from you.

For me, the technical is my top pistolier because they have barely any charges on the gauntlet. Basically they get a couple rockets, and maybe have a chance to use the flame thrower once in a mission. Otherwise none of their perks or gear are useful at all. Adding the pistol abilities to their paltry few class actions means they are much more reliable. Also that retaliate with the pistol to an enemy who shoots at you, and face off, both synergies great with the flamethrower because you almost always end up in a bad position if you shoot the flamer.

Then both assaults and rangers are next. The arc thrower is a limited use secondary, the pistol gives some valuable options. Same with the sawed off, after 2 shots it is dead weight. The pistol, again, is handy. The free pistol shot works with light em up for three shots a round. It also works with all the bonus close range perks.

Finally, anyone lucky enough to get face off, retaliation shots and or the free shot in their first two powers and consider a must unlock and arm character.
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Re: Who to Train for Pistols

Post by UraniumOverdose »

I almost never use assaults at all (I have I think two in my whole army.) but if I did, I would probably give them pistol abilities.

I give pistol abilities to my sharpshooters if the first ability is something good.

Mostly though I max out pistol abilities on stealth Shinobis.

Shinobi stealth abilities perfectly compliment pistol use. Late game it is usually suicide to use sword attacks, so one I hit mag weapons I respec shinobis to exclusively stealth, and giving them pistol abilities can keep them in the fight if shit goes wrong.

Due to the time investment I don't usually give pistol attacks to anyone else.
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Re: Who to Train for Pistols

Post by NephilimNexus »

Oh man you are missing out, then. The trick to assault class is to skip the shotgun and just use a regular rifle and treat them like a very fast ranger with an arc thrower. That keeps them from doing anything too risky/dumb and let's you focus on your arc thrower powers.

It's that arc thrower that makes them awesome, and it's worthwhile to train at least one assault trooper all the way down the center line with nothing but arc thrower skills. At max rank they get "chain lightning" which shoots at every visible enemy on the screen. When you've got your other arc thrower perks stuffing it to the max you can lay waste to an entire Advent army with the push of one button. I've seen literally a dozen opponents get knocked on their butts in one go by that power. And when you're doing that liberation base assault and the Advent General shows up with his 20HPs... lemme tell you, an easy two-turn stun hit is just what is needed.
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Re: Who to Train for Pistols

Post by Valaska »

UraniumOverdose wrote:I almost never use assaults at all (I have I think two in my whole army.) but if I did, I would probably give them pistol abilities.

I give pistol abilities to my sharpshooters if the first ability is something good.

Mostly though I max out pistol abilities on stealth Shinobis.

Shinobi stealth abilities perfectly compliment pistol use. Late game it is usually suicide to use sword attacks, so one I hit mag weapons I respec shinobis to exclusively stealth, and giving them pistol abilities can keep them in the fight if shit goes wrong.

Due to the time investment I don't usually give pistol attacks to anyone else.
Assaults are pretty good, their shotgun is so and so... Gets them killed A LOT, but their stunner is AMAZING. I love, love, love when Archons do pinions because I just stun the stupid buggers lol. A sectopod pops up? Yo, I can suddenly control it with 80%!

And from time to time the shotgun pulls its weight absolutely. There's a been a few stunlancers that suddenly went freaking flying across the map cause of her haha.
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